Rewrite the Stars

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{A/N: okay, I saw The Greatest Showman for the first time recently and this song gave me major ScarletVision vibes and I just love that movie so much and I'm going to watch it forever now. Also it's probably in my fave movies of all time now. There are spoilers for that movie in this fic so if you haven't, GO WATCH IT and then come back to read this.}

Every once in a while Tony would insist on a team/family movie night at the compound. The Vision didn't understand these customs, but obliged, much like the rest of the team. Steve and Bucky enjoyed watching movies that were different than when they were younger. Much. Younger.

Wanda, on the other hand, got really into these movie nights; when they watched anything Star Wars she would show up with mock-Leia buns and a lightsaber (but it would be real and red using her hex). When they watched Disney movies she would sing at the top of her lungs, especially when they watched Frozen and she tried to mimic Elsa's magic with her red hex. When they saw Les Miserables, Wanda created a barricade and sang "Do You Hear the People Sing" for three days. When there were large gaps between movie nights, you could find her holed up in her room binge-watching the Harry Potter movies or basically any Disney musical, stuffing her face with popcorn.

Sometimes, she made the Vision join her. He didn't understand why she laughed at Game Night, or why she cried at The Fault in Our Stars, or shrieked at IT. But he sat there like a good friend, because no one else would put up with the movie nerd. She spoke in movie quotes, usually Harry Potter or The Lord of the Rings or Disney. The others didn't quite understand that before she had joined the team she had only seen one film, and it had been a propaganda film showed to her and Pietro by Strucker.

Even when she was on the run for two years, she tried to catch movies whenever she could. She dreamed in movies. She, once again, made the Vision watch movies with her, but they had to watch them quietly.

When they restarted the movie nights after the Infinity War, with even more people coming than ever, Wanda got so into it that she planned all of them, once a month, in the movie theater at Stark Tower. For Wonder she made them all say why they were special. Some scoffed or made dirty jokes, but others took it seriously. She had a screening process for movies, so when Wade asked if they were going to watch The Greatest Showman with Logan as the star, whatever that meant, she shook her head. He was also excited that Spidey's new girlfriend looked like the character of Anne.

"I've seen that movie, and I love that movie, but the last time I showed a musical there was mutiny. Some of them really hate musicals, and that movie is song-heavy." She responded thoughtfully. Wade frowned. "Don't frown, DP. We're watching Coco tonight."

"Buuuut Logan's not in that one!" He pouted. She rolled her eyes and flicked his neck back with her magic, a little game they have. If anyone could kill Deadpool, it was probably Wanda. But she didn't want to kill anyone. Lucky them.

Also lucky for Deadpool was that the Coco movie mysteriously disappeared just before they watched it. And the movie that was sitting in front of Wanda? The Greatest Showman. She was hesitating, but Deadpool joyfully put it in and gathered the team. Gamora and Quill took up a whole couch, Groot sitting on the floor in front of them. Shuri and Peter were arguing over who could eat the most popcorn. Wanda sat beside Vision, rigid, not cuddling like she normally would in a movie.

She sat like that for a while, but when Phillip's parents insulted Anne at the theater, she got up and left the room, the sounds of "Rewrite the Stars" echoing behind her as she left. Everyone looked to Vision, who shrugged and followed her out. She was crouched against the wall outside the movie theater, head buried in her hands, soft cries escaping her throat. Vision hadn't watched this movie with her, so he didn't know why she was feeling this way, or what she was feeling, exactly.

"Wanda?" He spoke softly, leaning to crouch beside her. "What's wrong, Wanda? I thought you told Mr. Wilson that you like this movie."

"I do like this movie. But... this movie reminds me of us. At least, the relationship between Phillip and Anne." She whispered, her voice breaking. "That's how I felt, Vis. On the Raft. My hands were literally tied, and I couldn't be with you. We're together now, and we're safe, but... that was what it felt like." The song was echoing behind them, the passion of the actors' voices filling their minds, making her point.

"But you are the one I was meant to find, Wanda. We did, almost literally, rewrite the stars. I wasn't meant to exist. Maybe we weren't meant to survive. But we are here."

"I love you, Vis. Thank you..."

{A/N: sorry, that was short! But I'm currently working on another one-shot that involves not one (ScarletVision) but two of my top Wanda ships and some smutty threesome action! Feel free to guess who else I'm involving...}

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