Decadence (Library, Part 3) (Mature Content)

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{A/N: I know I said I wasn't going to write anymore of this little drabble BUUUT I got a recommendation on FanFiction from DragonFairy777 about Pietro finding out about their relationship and I thought it'd fit in nicely with this drabble about my faves! This is a Mature Content one-shot, once again. Also, I'm writing this in first person from Wanda's POV! Enjoy!}

    It had all come to an end.

    College, that is. Pietro got his degree in Kinesiology, hoping to work with disabled kids in athletics once his stint as a professional runner had run out. I had my degree in Psychology, years of studying and those papers from Professor Barton out of my life forever. Pietro would be spending his summer training in Canada before heading to the summer olympics, where I would go to cheer him on.

    Which meant that I had a whole summer alone with Vision. He recommended me to a colleague from his counseling days and lined up a job for me to start in September, and he had the summer off for research purposes. His research? How long our bodies could be connected until one of us had to pee or fell asleep. Also something about performance in general education classes with the aid of a research librarian. The former was much more interesting.

    But today was graduation day. Our apartment was all packed up, Pietro's things already sent to the training facility in Canada, some of my things at Vision's house, the rest due to be moved tomorrow. I pulled on my graduation gown, the deep blue color blending against the white dress I wore beneath it, my cap situated over my curled hair, my wedges ready to walk across the stage. When I exited my room, Pietro was standing in the hall, wearing suit pants and a collared shirt and tie under his gown. He smirked at me as he fumbled with his cap, but I took it out of his hands and let it glide over his silver hair.

    "Momma would be proud of you, Wands." He murmured in Sokovian, watching my brown eyes meet his blue-gray ones.

    "She would be proud of both of us. Momma and Poppa both." I responded as he pulled me in for a hug. Days like this were the worst without them. The days they should be with us, watching us reach our goals. We hugged for what felt like minutes but probably only lasted seconds before I pulled away and tightened my clutch around my wrist. "We should get going."

    The ceremony was long and arduous for such a small university. Vision was sitting up on stage with the other staff members, and he kept winking at me whenever Pietro was looking elsewhere. Which was often. He never was one for sitting still.

    When we walked up on stage, handing our name cards with our degrees to the announcer, Vision snuck pictures of both of us as I had requested. I winked at him as I walked past him.

    After the ceremony, Pietro went off to take pictures and get a few drinks with some of his pals, and I stood under a tree, soft light getting into my eyes. I looked up for a moment and saw Vision walking towards me, looking quite dapper in a gray suit with a red tie, a bouquet of flowers in his hands. Red Amaryllis. My favorite. I smiled as he came up to me, kissing my cheek.

    "These are for you. Congratulations, Wanda." He whispered in my ear. I accepted the flowers and used my spare hand to pull on his tie so he would lean down and kiss me. The kiss lasted a few seconds before he pulled away, looking around nervously. "Your brother?"

    "With his friends for drinks." I whispered, eyes twinkling at him.

    "My office is empty, and the library is closed." He responded to my eyebrow raising. I thought on it and smirked before kissing him again.

    "Do you still have the keys?"

    "Yes, but there's no couch-"

    "Not needed." I responded, linking my fingers with his. "As long as there's four walls, a floor, and a door we can lock."

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