Sad Thing

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{this one is set after CA:CW and before IW}

Wanda felt a sad thing at the very core of her being.

Vision had betrayed her trust. He watched as they were all chained up. He let her get put in a straight jacket. Let her get a shock collar put around her neck so that whenever she used her magic or spoke, she would get electrocuted. She was in that damned prison for months, and even Clint was starting to lose faith in their release.

When Steve arrived to save them, she didn't sleep for two weeks. She couldn't use her magic. But Steve would come in and talk to her in her room at the Wakandan palace. He would tell her about his regrets. Peggy. Bucky. Tony. She would mimic him, with her own regrets. Pietro. Her parents. Sokovia. Lagos. Vision.

They spent more time together than was necessary. She had spent enough time with the boys in the Raft. Finally, during one of their long talks, she fell asleep, head cradled on his muscular chest. When she woke up twelve hours later, she was curled up on her bed, Steve asleep on the chair next to her bed.

For fear of waking him, she laid there, watching her Captain dream. She slipped into his dream and saw his childhood with Bucky, his flirting and kiss with Peggy, his friendship with Tony. She felt the pain he felt when he thought Bucky died, when he woke up from the ice, when he walked away from Tony.

Peggy might have been his soulmate, but Bucky was his brother, and Tony was his best friend. Wanda didn't think that Vision was her soulmate, since she was pretty sure that the android didn't have a soul, but he was her best friend. Pietro was her other half.

She was also fairly certain that he wasn't Captain America anymore. In their talks, he discussed the fight with Tony in detail, how he dropped the shield and walked away. In giving up the shield, he gave up his title. He was just Steve Rogers now. Maybe even something else. He was a man with no country, they all were. He was like those nomads who never settled anywhere. Nomad. It fit, because Steve never could sit still for very long.

Once he finally woke up, she pretended to have just woken up, and went to take a shower. When she emerged, Steve insisted on her eating something before they went to train with the others. Hopefully, her magic wouldn't be too wild. But the Wakandan Princess had created training rooms imperceptible to any attacks. So it'd be fine.

He fed her a hearty breakfast, one he'd probably eaten every day before he was frozen and probably every day after. She was silent the whole meal, but he was watching her every move as he ate his own oatmeal with a banana and some green tea. They went towards the training rooms together, and she still was silent.

She hadn't yet worn these weird Wakandan clothes; they fit very snugly over her curves that somehow were maintained even though they tried to starve her on the Raft. Steve had made sure that she was eating plenty since they arrived, and he was also kind enough to hold her hair while she vomited it back up. He had seen worse.

Vision used to do that for her. After she joined the team, she was not used to some of the meals they would eat. After starving for so long, she and Pietro seldom ate. It was an adjustment, and Wanda's body needed to get used to it. She had gotten used to it, eventually. Vision was the only one willing to hold her hair back and rub her shoulders as her meals came back up. She did eventually fill out. She had curves that she had never had before. She noticed. Vision noticed. He liked her curves. His buzzing hands rolling along her hips as he kissed her... that feeling would never go away.

Steve probably felt responsible for Wanda's new nauseated moments. He didn't get to them fast enough, he said. If he had gotten to them sooner, Wanda wouldn't be this bad. Things would be easier if he hadn't felt this guilty. She felt that she needed to prove to the Captain that she was getting better, but she really wasn't.

When they made it to the training room, she made a beeline for the treadmill to walk and run on for a bit. Steve stood a bit off in the distance, watching her as he trained with Sam. She felt his stare, but ignored it as she stuck to the more individual training regimens. She practiced lifting weights with her red hex.

Wanda left before Steve did, her stomach not happy with the breakfast she ate, and she spent the afternoon in her locked bathroom, curled up on the floor with her head on the toilet seat.

She thought about the Vision. She remembered the time they spent together. Playing chess, kissing, training, just living happy lives... until everything changed. She felt sad whenever she thought about him, but she felt sad most of the time anyways. It was like when she had lost Pietro, but when she lost Pietro, she had the Vision.

Now she had no one. Steve didn't count, he was only nice to her out of guilt. Shuri was nice enough, but she was too smart and sarcastic for Wanda's liking. Sam bugged her. She liked to be alone. She liked to be alone with the Vision. But she couldn't be alone with him anymore, because he didn't know where she was, and he had betrayed her. So she was happy being alone.

When her stomach was empty, she took another shower and dressed in black yoga pants and a loose red crop top, and fell asleep on the bed in her room. She dreamed of blue eyes that looked like arc reactors and red fingers trailing over her pale skin.

When she woke up, it was nighttime, and she looked up to see Steve sitting on the chair in her room again. He was awake, though, and he was reading a book. She sat up slowly in her bed, stomach churning nothing, and pulled her sheets close to her. He raised his eyes up slightly to watch her, and placed a bookmark on the page, closing the book gingerly.

"How did you sleep?" He asked, not moving from the lounge chair. She only shrugged in response, not sure if her voice would be hoarse. He was feeling guilty again, it was etched on his face and his emotions were too strong for her magic to ignore. There was another emotion there - curiosity. "You were saying the Vision's name in your sleep. Moaning it, almost." He informed her, and she couldn't stop the blush from covering her cheeks. "I didn't mean to intrude on your private dreams."

"I can't control my own dreams, Steve." She whispered, loud enough for him to hear from across the room. Her voice was hoarse, and she reached for the bottle of water she kept on the nightstand and downed the whole thing. He placed the book he was reading on the table beside him and crossed one leg over the other, watching her.

Another emotion, lust.

He hadn't been with anyone in a while. He was never with Peggy, but he had been with Bucky before the war. He had been with Bucky when they arrived in Wakanda, before they put Steve's oldest friend back under. Wanda was pretty sure he had been with Tony a few times. Maybe Natasha, too. Sam was a possibility.

She had only ever been with the Vision.

But Steve was clearly in an uncomfortable situation. Her moans of the Vision's name probably made his long-neglected body tense, made him imagine things that she really did not want him to imagine. She didn't want to imagine those things, either.

She was in love with the Vision. She always would be, even if she never saw him again. He hadn't tried to contact her in months. He didn't come to save her, like she hoped he would. He would probably never touch her again.

But... Steve could touch her, just tonight. She got up from the bed and walked over to the Captain, his eyes following her every move. She stood before him and placed her hands on both armrests, leaning over his legs.

"Get out," She whispered, hands glowing red. "You love Bucky. I'm in love with the Vision. Get out before something we'll both regret happens." His mouth stood agape but he nodded and got up from the chair, walking out of the room, book gripped tightly in hand. She grumbled and fell into the chair, pulling her knees to her chest as she placed a protective sound-proof barrier around her room with her magic.

And then Wanda reached out with her mind to the one person she wanted.

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