Black Heart Gem

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3 years ago I did my first Sonic EXE story known as Through The Mirror. Now I'm doing it in Sonic Boom style.

The other day I had a minor nightmare of EXE in the Sonic Boom world. Scary but it gave me an idea.

Sonic official characters belongs to (c) SEGA/Sonic.

Sonic EXE belongs to (c) Creepypasta.

I don't own the image.


On Bygone Island, Sonic and his team were so bored that they need action and fighting to kick robots' butt but Eggman is taking his own vacation day at his lair. Which sounded weird for the team but they didn't care. Indeed that Sonic and his friends did have beaten Eggman's badniks so many times that they should let Eggman take a break and have his own vacation time.

Sonic was on his usual runs but came to a stop when he saw Shadow at the Gogobas village, holding the chief in his hands, "Ha, nice try. I don't feel guilt. Keep talking guilt to me and I will show you the meaning of fear" Shadow chuckled darkly.

"Shadow! Put him down! You have no idea what these guys can do!" Sonic said.

"I know what they do and I don't care! I just want them to stop following me all morning!" Shadow said.

"And why exactly?" Sonic asked.

"That's okay. We'll just let him kill us painfully. It's not like anyone is gonna care" The Gogaba Chief trying to get them to feel guilty.

"Shut up! I'm sick and tired of you creatures trying to make us feel guilty! It's starting to get annoying!" Shadow glared angrily.

"Okay, let's settle this in private battle again. I know you like to beat me again. Like old times" Sonic acting casual to his dark rival.

"Very well" Shadow scoffed and tossed the chief roughly to the side, "And if I see you coming to my secret location again, your village will be burned in hell!" He growled at the Gogobas.

"Trust me, guys. He shows no mercy to anyone. Anyways, ta-ta!" Sonic grabs Shadow and sped off to the desert area, "Seriously! Those Gogobas really know how to get our guard down"

Shadow slaps Sonic's arm off, "Whatever. It's not like I show guilt to anyone!"

"Shadow chill out" Sonic pleaded.

"Chill? It's gonna take more than that" Shadow said.

"You asked for it!" Sonic spin dashed at him. Shadow did the same time to him.

10 minutes later, Sonic was sitting on Shadow's back waiting for him to calm down. Shadow couldn't concentrate on teleporting since he's already used it all up and it would take a while to recover back. While waiting, Sonic checked his watch under his glove, "Calmed down yet?" Sonic asked.

"Yes, now I have" Shadow murmurs, "Get off of me right now!"

"Ah ah ah. A bad boy needs to learn some manners" Sonic smirked cockily.

"I don't do manners" Shadow growled.

"Then I guess I'll sit on your back for all eternity" Sonic laughed.

"GET OFF!" Shadow then shoves him off.

"Ow! Sheesh! A simple 'please' would be an easy thing to say" Sonic glared and gets up.

"Look I'm just in a bad mood" Shadow said.

"Like always" Sonic said.

"You're so annoying. And again, on my terms till we do a real fight again" Shadow said.

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