Fox and Bandicoot Cupids

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Sorry to keep you guys waiting. I was distracted with the game Pokémon Ultra Moon I got last week. I didn't expect for it to be a long play. Here's the chapter. :)


The person that was standing near the pink flaming fireplace was a purple female bandicoot wearing a greek god clothing, "Perci?" Sonic and Amy said in unison.

"No. It's me, the cupid" The bandicoot said.

"Oh, its just you look very much like Perci and her sister" Sonic said.

"Wait, you're the one that unleashed EXE?" She asked him.

"Yes but it was an accident" Sonic said.

"Your cockiness made you released him. Centuries ago EXE destroyed this world's nature and remade it his own image. He has to be destroyed along with the heart gem by a pure hearted one" The cupid said, slightly angry at the blue hedgehog.

"Hey, I said it was an accident! I never said I wanted to unleash a monster. He nearly possessed me until he stole a copy of my body shape" Sonic glared.

"Silence! Now the pure hearted one must fix the damage. And as for you, you need to learn next time you face unexpected dangers" The cupid said.

"Don't upset him, please! It wasn't his fault. Everyone makes mistakes in their life" Amy said.

"True. And you want to hear who the pure hearted one is?" The cupid asked.

"I'm guessing it's me because I'm pink?" Amy guessed.

"Yes, the one who has closest feelings and true love for the latest host can seal EXE again" The cupid.

"Wait, what?! Um, I'm not her true love. Whatever you're trying to say" Sonic blushed.

"You do care for her well-being and I can sense love in you" The cupid said.

"Awww....." Amy awed at Sonic.

The blue male hedgehog blushed deep red while looking at Amy, "Well....maybe a little"

"Amy Rose, it is your destiny to defeat EXE once and for all before he becomes truly invincible. He is very defenseless in his true form" The cupid said.

"But he took a copy of Sonic's body shape. My teammates tried to face him but he's too strong. And the black heart gem is stuck in our world" Amy said.

"But our friend in our world will return the gem here" Sonic said.

"Yes, of course" Amy said.

Just then, their teammates along with the EXE counterparts arrived at the place. Including Cyborg Sonic and Cyborg Tails with the heart gem.

"Guys, we got the heart gem. We're ready!" Tails said.

"That was fast. Did you cyborgs miss us?" Sonic teased them.

"Yes we did. You're like a family to us since we got your DNA" Cyborg Sonic said.

"Indeed. Anyways, uh, Cupid. We're gonna need protection from EXE's wrath. Do you have something that will protect us from his murderous hands of death?" Sonic asked.

"Well, a fox with one tail can give you bows and love arrows to fight off monsters" Cupid said.

"All right, better get them right now. We don't have much time" Sonic said.

"Someone said arrows?" A cupid resembling Zooey appeared.

"Zooey?" Tails saw her.

"Cupid Zooey to you" Cupid Zooey said, "Here, take these. Sonic EXE's physical form can't resist them. The more you fire at him, his physical form's destruction will expose his true form" Cupid Zooey said.

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