EXE Counterparts

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"Whoa, these are our counterparts?" Amy said.

"Of course. I'm you from here" Amy EXE said.

"Uh, what happened to your eye?" Amy asked.

"EXE ruined it and tore me apart and stitched me together gruesomely" Amy EXE said.

"Damn, abusive relationship?" Amy guessed.

"Yup, he toys women's heart. You have no idea what he does to women on dates" Amy EXE said.

"I don't wanna hear" Amy said.

"Me neither" Amy EXE said.

"Is it my reflection? It looks weird" Knuckles confusing his EXE counterpart.

"No it's not I am another you" Knuckles EXE said.

"Really since you stand like it's a mirror" Knuckles joked but his counterpart facepalmed in annoyance.

"Stupid other me" Knuckles EXE sighs.

"Are you savage or feral?" Sticks squinting suspiciously at her counterpart.

"I'm feral as a real badger" Sticks EXE said.

"I still don't trust this red eyed badger?" Sticks said.

"I don't trust this normal badger either" Sticks EXE said and sniffs any blood on her, "No blood on you. Awkward"

Shadow was staring at his EXE counterpart, both copying their movements at the same time, "So you're shy and less aggressive?" Shadow asked.

"Yes, but it's most because of the trauma EXE caused. So I'm quite holding back" Shadow EXE said.

"Weird. I consider myself the Ultimate Lifeform where I'm from" Shadow said.

"I see. So you're edgy and aggressive?" Shadow EXE said.

"And cold" Shadow said.

"Right. But in here I am supporting my allies" Shadow EXE said.

"To me friendship is weak. No offense" Shadow said to his counterpart and the group.

"No matter. As now we better scheme how to defeat EXE once and for all" Shadow EXE said.

"Of course, we need to plan out strategies as soon he attacks. When he does a move the other attack" Tails said.

"It's not that easy. He has too many powers. All of our kind tried hard to beat him but they were all killed. Only a god can beat a god" Tails EXE said.

"So who sealed him in the black heart gem?" Amy asked.

"No one knows. Some believe that a goddess of love can seal an evil deity in artifacts" Shadow EXE.

"Aphrodite?" Sonic guessed.

"Perhaps. But there's no other gods left on our world" Tails EXE sighs in disappointment.

"Wait! I still have my communicator watch. It's also programmed to contact my cyborg clone" Tails said.

"Maybe you can ask him to tell Eggman to create a portal to bring us home. The only problem is we need the black heart gem" Amy said.

"It's worth a try" Tails then pressed the button.


(Real world, Cyborg Tails location)

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