Freaky Claws

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The next morning, Sonic wasn't worried about being cursed by that strange black heart gem. He thought it was just his imagination playing tricks in his head or he's just stressing out that something bad is happening to himself, "My head is just playing with me. Nothing to worry about" He scratched behind his head. But he suddenly felt something odd with his fingernails; they felt sharp like an animal's claw, "What the?!" He looked at his now fingernail-like claws, "Oh no! What is happening to me?!" He freaked out.

Just then, his communicator watched ranged, "Sonic! Emergency! Eggman's bee bots are wrecking the village! We need you now!"  Tails said.

"Uh...Coming!" Sonic quickly puts his gloves and sports bandages on to hide his fingernail claws. He put his shoes on and his brown scarf around his neck and quickly dashed off to the village.


"Damn it! You just had to ruin our morning moment, Eggman! Do you have to bring up our angry mood in the morning?!" Amy bashed a bee bot with her hammer.

"I don't have to. Because once I'm done you're no longer needed!" Eggman taunts Amy.

"You scrambled Egghead!" Amy yelled and crushes a bee bot with her hammer, "You should take a real vacation next time!"

"I'm already on vacation! And my happy vacation is destroying you all!" Eggman cackled.

"You twisted maniac!" Sticks threw her boomerang at Eggman to make his hover mobile fly out of control momentarily.

It was until something landed behind Eggman. He turns around and saw Sonic grinning creepily, "Boo!"

"AAAAAHHH!!!! Where did you come from?!" Eggman shrieked.

"Just right now" Sonic chuckled and grabs him by the collar.

"You should have had your day off right now. But no you didn't. So perhaps you should go on a diet?" Sonic said.

"Hey! I just had my diet weeks ago!" Eggman said.

"Is that so? Or are you out of shape right now?" Sonic uncontrollably chuckled evilly.

"Hey! Only I chuckle evilly!" Eggman was starting to freak out.

"Can't a hero do so too?" Sonic's voice changed to a low pitch.

"Eeek! GET OFF MY SHIP!" Eggman pushed the blue hedgehog off his hover mobile and flew off.

The others watched what just happened and went up to Sonic.

"What the heck was that?" Knuckles asked.

"You scared him off" Amy said.

"What do you mean? He was attacking the village early morning" Sonic said.

"I actually meant how did you scare Eggman like that?" Amy said.

"Oh that. I have no idea. It was like anger controlled me or something. That was not me at all" Sonic panicked. He took off his glove to show what has happened to his hand. The nail claws were still sharp.

"Holy cow! You're a monster!!!" Sticks gasps.

"I thought real hedgehogs have claws on their paws" Knuckles was confused.

"They do but I never seen myself with these claws. They were short yesterday" Sonic said.

"You're going savage!" Sticks running around like crazy.

"Calm down Sticks!" Amy runs over to stop her.

Sonic looks at his hands again in disbelief, "This can't be happening"

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