EXE Dimension

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"No way!" Tails gasped in horror at what he saw.

Sonic woke up from being separated from the evil deity and looked up to see that EXE's true self has changed into Sonic's body shape.... but differently. EXE looks exactly like Sonic but with blood stains all over himself, same red slit eyes and black scleras, razor-shark teeth, finger nail claws with ripped gloves on his fingertips, his bandages on his arms were hovering like a ghost.

"Oh my god! You're me! But you're ancient!" Sonic said.

"True I am over a thousand years old but since I hosted on you, I made a copy of your body shape. I can't walk on this ugly planet without a body" EXE chuckled evilly.

"Okay, now this is like looking in a mirror. In a scary way of my reflection" Sonic cringed.

"Well this time I'm not your reflection! I am god!" EXE laughed.

"I will stop you to my last breath. If I fall there are others who will face you!" Sonic clenched his fists in bravery.

"Then let's see how much of a hero you really are! Here I come!" EXE grins and runs at Sonic and strikes him in the gut.

"ARGH!!!" Sonic groans in pain.

"Sonic! Grrr!! YOU ARE A PAIN IN THE ASS RIGHT NOW!!!" Amy held out her hammer. She swung it at EXE but he grabs her hammer swiftly and bends the handle, "Hey! Fight like a mobian for once in your life!"

"You will all die!" EXE grabs Amy by the throat and Amy tries to break free.

"LET HER GO!!" Shadow threw Chaos Spears at the evil deity's head.

Amy then lands on her feet while EXE clutched his head in pain, "No one chokes my best friend!" Sonic punched EXE's chest.

"URGH!!!" EXE grunts in pain but then slashes at Sonic with his claws.

"ARRRGH!!!" Sonic screams in pain.

"That does it! No escape from you all!" EXE creates a portal that sucks himself in and the heroes, he grabs Sonic and pulls him into the portal.

"WHOA!! GUYS HELP!" Sonic was getting pulled in by EXE but Amy grabs Sonic's arm but couldn't pull him out.

"COMING!!!" Knuckles grabs Amy's feet and tries to pull them. The others began pulling too but the force was too strong and they get sucked in.

"AAAAHHHHHH!!!!" They all get swirled in the vortex dimension, even EXE followed too.

When they arrived, they landed on each other in a heap.

"Everyone okay?" Sonic asked.

"Far from it. We're in like hell" Shadow said.

"No, you're in my dimension!" EXE chuckled.

"What is this?" Sticks got off the heap.

"My home, my world! You are all stuck in my home world forever! And there's nothing you can do to stop me! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!" EXE vanished to who knows where in this dimension.

The world was like hell. Oceans were all red blood, the grass is wilted like dead, the sky is blood red color, and the whole area is like a dead wasteland.

"What do we do?" Amy asked.

"We stand together and fight EXE. Never give up until we win" Sonic said.

"But we don't have the black heart gem to seal him. This is bad" Tails said.

"Bad?! We're stranded on a different dimension! I don't see anyone in this dimension that is gonna take us back home!" Shadow glared.

Sonic Boom: Evil HeartWhere stories live. Discover now