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"You're unsure?!" Shadow did not like the answer from his blue rival.

"I don't know! It's just....It's like I'm not myself. It's like I'm having a....dual personality or something. I don't know. Please don't get into an argument again. Anger is changing everything in me and I don't want that to happen again" Sonic said, holding his chest like something is changing in him slowly.

"Don't forget, Shadow. You're the one to blame for upsetting him yesterday" Amy glared at the ebony male.

"Don't judge me, Rose. Just because I upset your boyfriend doesn't mean I have anything to do with this" Shadow crossed his arms.

"He's not my boyfriend! Argh! Teenage boys still stubborn as always" Amy face-palms.

"Hmph. That's what boys are" Shadow scoffed.

"Not every time. Look, as much as I want to get to the old times of fighting you, I just need you to be aware. Because whatever happens to me is probably gonna get ugly as hell. I know last year you had two Eggheads to cause our world into chaos and you showed no remorse. But seriously, if you were the last mobian on earth you would be all alone with no action, no rival, and no family" Sonic said with a little glare.

Shadow was silent for a moment, what he did last year was the most unthinkable thing to do by almost putting the planet in danger, "It is not happening again because Lord Eggman is back in his world. You should be proud of that" Shadow said.

"But this one that will possess my body is gonna be a lot deadly than what you did on Earth. We will all be dead if something isn't stopped" Sonic crossed his arms.

"Why should I help you? I'm a lone wolf and I never work with anyone but myself" Shadow glared but accidently let out a soft purr when Amy rubbed his left ear.

"Found your purr spot. What Sonic really means that if this monster controls him, we will all be slaves and die. What we are dealing with is an evil deity. And what if someone replaces you as his rival? And I know you hate to be replaced by someone else to be Sonic's rival" Amy smirked while rubbing his ear.

"She's right. Would you like to be replaced?" Sonic chuckled.

"Hell no! Everyone has a special rival" Shadow said and whacks Amy's hand away from his ear, "Stop it!"

"As long as you don't endanger Earth" Sonic said.

"Damn. I don't know why you have to be such a pain in the ass all day" Shadow rolled his eyes.

"It's what I do" Sonic grinned behind his brown scarf.

"Whatever. So how do we seal this evil deity with?" Shadow said.

"With this" Tails held out the same black heart gem.

"I hope it's the only way before---....ARGH!" Sonic felt his heart pumped hard; he fell on his knees like he was in pain. He groans loudly and the group and Shadow surround him.

"What's happening?!" Knuckles asked in panic.

"Sonic?!" Amy tries to help him up but she got pushed.

"GET AWAY!!!" Sonic screamed in agony.

"Clear the area now!" Tails shouts to nearby standers.

Sonic's eyes became pitch black with red eyes with slit pupils. The weather in the sky turned from sunny day into red sky with black clouds. Blood came from Sonic's eyes, "MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Freedom is now mine" EXE laughed.

Sonic Boom: Evil HeartWhere stories live. Discover now