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Sonic and the gang, including the EXE teammates were a little startled by EXE wanting to challenge them a game. Sonic on the other hand doesn't do game challenging with EXE since he knows that EXE might not play by the rules. Sonic hissed angrily that his evil counterpart is looking at Amy in a lustful way.

"Keep your filthy bloody eyes away from her!" Sonic hissed.

"Once you all are gone she will be my queen!" EXE said.

"Hey! I was once your queen until you tore my eye off, asshole!" Amy EXE yelled.

"Then all of your souls are MINE!" EXE shouts as his eyes glowed bright red and floats down to them.

"Hey, you nearly took control of my body and my heart! You're a monster to everyone!" Sonic said.

"RAAAAAAARGH!!!!" EXE grew twice his size and became more monstrous, "Then die!!!" He swats blood lava at them.

"CHAOS CONTROL!!!" Shadow used time manipulation to move everyone out there and retreat; Shadow teleports them all to a faraway place.

"We need a strategy!" Sonic said.

"I got one. One needs to temporarily blind him and we attack him one by one" Sticks said.

"He's too powerful. So much darkness in him he'll be unstoppable!" Sticks EXE said.

"Maybe I should surrender myself to save you all" Amy sighs.

"Are you insane?! He'll hurt you just like he did to me!" Amy EXE said.

"What choice do we have?! We're gonna get killed out there!" Amy said.

"Amy I can't allow you to be torn apart by him! That's an order I give you!" Sonic said strictly.

"Then we're all dead by the time he finds us" Amy looks away.

Sonic then grabs her by the arms, "I can't lose you!"

"And I can't lose you all either!" Amy said to him.

Sonic did something he didn't want to do in his entire life, no choice but to do something to have her on his side. He tilts Amy's neck and bites her neck hard.

"AAAAHHHHH!!!!" Amy screamed in pain from the bite, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?!"

Sonic did not respond as he just held her close. Shadow knew what this meant, not for a mating bite mark but as a friend mark so that EXE won't claim her as his.

"Sorry Amy, it was the only way to prevent him from claiming you" Sonic said.

Amy was briefly angry but calms down, "Did you have to bite really hard?!"

"I was making a mark, not torn your neck!" Sonic held his hands up in defense.

"That's gonna leave a scar" Amy said.

"Sorry. And it's not a mating mark. It's a 'stick together' mark" Sonic blushed, not wanting to believe it's a mate mark.

"I know you too well. Now less talk more fight" Amy said.

"Nuh uh! If we go back there, we're all dead. How long is Eggman person working on the portal?" Amy EXE said.

"Maybe in 2 days or less. I don't know. But I think we need to think of a plan for tomorrow. Unless someone can spy on EXE to what he's planning next" Tails said.

"If only I had my other eye to see what he's doing" Amy EXE covered her real eye to see from her other eye, it was too dark and bloody, "Damn it. It's too dark"

"Wait. You can see from your other eye? Why didn't you say this earlier?" Sonic asked.

"I was too scared to see EXE again" Amy EXE said.

"Do you see anything?" Sonic asked her again.

"I see......I see him right now. Okay, he's planning on trying to take your Amy. I can't hear what he's saying. Ew...gross! He's having a....bloody heart organ snack. Okay, I'm out of there!" Amy EXE made a disgusted look.

"Yuck! He truly is a monster!" Sticks agreed.

"He eats victims' hearts?" Knuckles asked.

"Yes and he has the rest on spikes" Tails EXE said.

"Man, I'm gonna have a nightmare about that" Sonic said.

"We better get shelter while we are waiting for Eggman to make the portal" Tails said.

"Agreed" Sonic nodded.

They eventually found the EXE group's home, Tails received a call from his communicator watch, "Thank god you guys are still alive. How are you holding up?" Cyborg Tails asked.

"Not good. We failed to beat EXE. He's too strong and unstoppable. How long is Eggman done with the portal machine?" Tails asked.

"Perhaps in 12 hours or more. I did a study of the black heart gem and the only thing it can do is seal EXE in it. But the problem is it needs to be a person with pure heart that can seal EXE in the gem" Cyborg Tails said.

"Then that means the first thing it possessed" Tails said.

"No, something more than that. And it's not Sonic. I can't figure out who it is that has pure heart" Cyborg Tails said.

"We'll find out" Tails said.

"Just please, stay alive and don't fight EXE. I heard he can do almost anything. I read the supernatural book" Cyborg Tails said.

"Damn! Okay we'll try to stay alive" Tails said.

"Eggman is also worried. Well, worried about staying as a villain. Since he can't attack the village without Team Sonic around" Cyborg Tails said.

"He sure can't live without us" Sonic said.

"A villain is not a villain without a hero" Knuckles said.

"I knew somewhere Eggman has a soft spot" Sonic said.

"In a weird way" Amy and Sticks said at the same time.

"But he is only doing this to get us back" Sonic said.

"Yup, anyways we gotta go. And again, don't die" Cyborg Tails said and hangs up.


(Real World)

"I'm really worried about them. If they die, Eggman would be miserable" Cyborg Amy said.

"Me too. They gave their DNA to give us life" Cyborg Sonic said.

"Yeah. And we have their traits, their powers, most of their personality" Cyborg Sonic said.

"Yes. But if they go we must take their places" Cyborg Sticks said.

"No. I believe they will make out of there alive" Cyborg Sonic said.

"We better not lose hope" Cyborg Tails said.

"For what I can say is that our counterparts could be considered our parents" Cyborg Knuckles said.

"True but we are their counterparts" Cyborg Amy said.

"Okay Cyborgs, Just a little bit more and the portal is finished" Eggman interrupted.

"Good. Let's hope we save our friends. Well, your enemies" Cyborg Sonic said.

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