Giant Snake

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"Are you kidding me?!" EXE saw that his monster creatures were defeated, "Well yet they have much to get through. I guess I have to handle this myself!" EXE said but couldn't do that since he already saw that Sonic already claimed Amy, "If I can't get her, then I have to tear Sonic apart as a giant" EXE said.

He paces back and forth to think of a way to eliminate the teammates away from Amy, "Hmm.....perhaps my pet giant snake should swallow them up" EXE chuckled evilly.

He claps his hands to summon the giant snake, "Go and devour them except my future queen" He ordered it but the snake was confused at what the future queen looks like, "Argh! The future queen is a pink hedgehog with green eyes!" EXE snarled.

The snake now understood and slithers away to find the heroes.


Sonic and the gang along with the EXE counterparts were only half way to reaching the temple of cupid.

Tails received a call from Cyborg Tails, "Were only half finished with the portal making. How's everything?" Cyborg Tails asked.

"We're almost at the Cupid's temple. But we are alive" Tails said.

"Good keep it up. Why are you going to a Cupid place?" Cyborg Tails asked.

"No idea but it could help us get some answers to who is the person with pure heart that can seal EXE in the heart gem" Tails said.

"Good point there. I'll signal when the portal is ready. And I'll come along with Eggman and Cyborg Sonic" Cyborg Tails said.

"I think Eggman should stay put while you and Cyborg Sonic come. It's too dangerous for Eggman to come here and get attacked by any EXE creatures" Tails suggested.

"Okay if that's the case" Cyborg Tails said.

The gang felt something rumble like a tiny earthquake, "Whoa, you guys feel that?" Sonic said.

"Gotta go now" Tails turns off his communicator watch.

They turned to see EXE's gigantic serpent. They saw the long toxic fangs appear when it opened its mouth, "*HISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS*" Its loud hiss shook the area.

"Ah man How are we supposed to beat that?!" Sticks gasps.

"Earth hedgehogs eat snakes but we don't! And I really hate snakes!" Sonic said.

"We must get through!" Shadow said.

Sonic noticed that the giant snake is looking at Amy, "The snake is looking at you, Amy! That means EXE sent it for you!" Sonic said.

"Keep it away from me!" Amy shouted.

Sonic used his speed to carry her away from the snake while his friends and the EXE counterparts deal with the giant snake

"RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!" The giant snake raised its head while trying to strike them. But Knuckles shoulder punched the snake's face to the side.

The snake hissed in pain and angrily snaps at him but he avoids its fangs, "Whoa!" Knuckles jumps back and was almost eaten by the giant snake when Sticks moved him out of the way. Tails then dashed at the snake on its back.

"Why do I have to be the damsel in distress again? This is getting annoying!" Amy growled in frustration.

"Amy I don't want to lose you to that creep" Sonic said.

"You marked me. He must've watched us everywhere we go" Amy said.

"And now he wants me dead. And I know that you don't wanna lose me either. We will defeat him and he'll never return once we have won" Sonic said.

"And how are we gonna do that when that dumbass snake is in our way?" Amy pointing at the giant snake trying to snap at the teammates.

"While they distract it we better get to the cupid. It's our only chance. I know our team will make it" Sonic said.

"You mean it?!" Amy said.

"Amy! Trust me!" Sonic grabs onto her.

"But Sonic---" Amy tried to object.

"Just trust me, please!" Sonic begged.

"All right but hurry" Amy said as Sonic carried her.

"Where are they going?!" Sticks EXE asked.

"Don't worry about them. Worry about that damn snake!" Shadow said.

"They are going for the cupid" Tails EXE said.

"Now I get it. They want us to distract the snake" Tails said.

"Yeah, let's finish this!" Sticks said.

"I'll tear it from the inside out!" Sticks EXE jumps into the giant snake's mouth.

"Ohhh!!!" The gang cringed at the sight of that.

The snake then lunges at them again for another attack, not realizing what Sticks EXE is going to do. She has now landed inside its stomach, "All right you beast! Time to make you a shoe!" Sticks EXE extends her claws.

From outside, the snake was just about to attack when it felt a pain in the stomach, "RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!!!" Sticks EXE burst open from the stomach and the snake fell down to the ground with a loud thud.

"Oh, yeah! I've never felt so alive!" Sticks EXE cheered.

The real ones were really shocked at her killing the snake inside.

"Damn!" Knuckles was lost of words.

"Did you really kill it?" Tails asked.

"Of course I did!" Sticks EXE rolled her eyes.

"I just asked if it's not immortal like EXE" Tails said.

"It's not immortal because it was created" Sticks EXE said.

"Okay. But we better get to Sonic and Amy" Tails said.


In the meantime, Amy and Sonic was closing in to the cupid's place, "Please don't let it be too lovey dovey like Valentine's Day. Everyone knows in stories that cupid shoots arrows to make a person fall in love" Sonic said.

"Come on. Cupids are a symbol of Valentine's Day. It's a cute holiday" Amy said sweetly.

"Yeah but you'll go crazy for me than ever" Sonic blushed.

"Oh yeah? If you were struck by a love arrow, you would go crazy for me" Amy said.

"Well in a gentle way" Sonic said.

"Good because only love can conquer hate" Amy said.

"You always say it's a good thing every time" Sonic said.

"Yeah" Amy nodded.

Now they saw the Cupid's place but no sign of the real cupid, it was filled with hearts painted on stone walls.

"Here we are" Sonic said as they walk up to the Cupid's place.

Amy looks inside and saw someone standing at a pink fireplace.

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