God Wind

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"Go! I'm faster! I'll lead it away from you guys!" Sonic said, looking back that the T-Rex EXE is gaining on them. The group ran the opposite direction as Sonic lured the beast away from them, "Yeah, come on follow the puny, skinny, blue hedgehog!" Sonic said.

"MWAAAAARRRRGGGGHHH!!!!" The dinosaur demon roared and snaps at him but missed.

"Whoa! You need to brush your teeth next time!" Sonic said and saw a wide open gap of the cliff, "Perfect!"

"MUAAAAAARRRRGGGHHHH!!!!" The T-Rex EXE charged and Sonic shoot out over the gap with the beast jumping as well, but it instead fell down with a final bellowing.

"See ya next fall! I hope this time you're extinct for real!" Sonic said and ran back to find the group.


The others were close to EXE's temple, "Okay, this is where we beat him, save the universe, and go home" Amy said, holding the black heart gem in her hand.

"It is your destiny, Amy. Save us all. Full fill it" Cupid Zooey said.

"I can't do this alone; I need my team to do this with me. Sonic always tells me that teamwork always saves the day" Amy said.

"True but it has to be you who finish him" Cupid Zooey said.

Then they saw EXE appear in a dark cloud but still in Sonic's form, "You mortals will not leave here alive! And this time I won't surrender easily!" EXE said angrily.

"Like last time you retreated twice! I find you as a coward!" Amy glared.

"Not this time! COME AND FACE YOUR DOOM!!!" EXE grew four times his size.

"Grrrr!!! Again with his giant trick?! I find him as a coward! FIGHT LIKE A MAN!!!" AMY yelled.

EXE turns to normal size and charges at Amy but as he did, Amy shot a love arrow at his leg to make him roll out of control. The impact made his leg crumble, "Fuck! This is why I can't stand love!"

"YAAAAARRRGGGHHHH!!!" Both Knuckles and his counterpart strikes at him once.

"YOU FOOL!!!" EXE zaps them with red lightning.

"AAAAARRRRGGHHH!!!" Both Knuckles were shocked.

That until Amy fires another love arrow through EXE's torso, "YOU DON"T TOUCH THEM!!!" Amy yelled and fires another love arrow.

"ARGH!! YOU ARE SO DEAD!!! YOUR HEART AND SOUL ARE MINE!!!" EXE transforms into a demon dog.

"Uh oh! ZOOEY!! GIVE ME A SPEAR!!! HURRY!!!" Amy ran off from the demon dog.

"CATCH!!!" Cupid Zooey threw a love spear to Amy.

Amy caught it in midair and turns around to face EXE again, "GRRRRR!!!" EXE lunges at Amy.

"Whoa!" Amy dodged it, "Keep your bloody dog teeth away from me!!"

"GRRRRRRR!!!!" EXE growled and bites the spear while pinning Amy down, "Give it up, Amy! It's over!" EXE said.

"Ugh! It's not over yet!" Amy struggled.

"So that blue rat marked you as his mate?! I could've marked you as my queen!" EXE growled.

"NOT IF I CAN HELP IT!" Amy shoves him off and stabs his left eye.

"ARGH!!" EXE held his eye in pain and Amy spin kicks at him.

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