Creepy Teeth

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In the jungle, Amy was searching for Sonic, "Poor Sonic. I should have prevented Shadow from making Sonic angry. Oh, if there was a way to way to get rid of the curse" Amy thought. A tear ran down her cheek, "Sonic! Where are you?!" She called him out but no answer and continues searching, "Sonic!!!" She called out again.

Eventually she saw him sitting on a branch up on a tree. She climbs up and sees a sad blue hedgehog there, "Sonic?"

"Amy? Please don't look at me!" Sonic looks away.

"Sonic, please I wanna help you" Amy crawls on the branch but Sonic backs off. He was covering his face, "Sonic. Listen I...I know its Shadow's fault for upsetting you. If it makes you feel better I kinda slapped him really hard"

"Thanks. He is the biggest moron I've known" Sonic said and takes his hands off his face to look at Amy.

"Look, whatever it's making you become we're all here for you. I'm worried about you. Please, tell us what's happening to you?" Amy said.

"A voice in my head is saying he wants to take over my body and heart. I don't want to become a monster. I don't wanna hurt anyone without mercy and in cold blood" Sonic said.

"Oh no. Something is possessing you. We have to figure out how to undo the curse. I don't want to lose you" Amy said with concern.

"Nor would I. Please help me" Sonic said.

Amy scoots over to Sonic and rubs his shoulders to help him relax and get all the stress out.

"Thanks Ames" Sonic smiles a bit.

"You're welcome Sonic" Amy said.

He let out a happy purr when he felt her hands rubbing his shoulders, "Don't even giggle" He playfully growled.

"Oh sorry" Amy held in her giggles.

"*puuuurrrr*" The blue hedgehog male purred in happiness.

" purr like a cute kitty" Amy giggled.

"Ehhh....thanks" Sonic blushed.

"I never seen you so stressed. You know stress is a dangerous feeling, Sonic. It plays tricks in your head to make you think you're losing yourself" Amy said.

"You know I like danger. But not dangerous feelings like stress" Sonic said.

"Mmm. But it can put a strain" Amy said, petting his quills.

"Well you know stress messes with our mood swings. I don't know how you girls handle mood swings. Boys don't even get mood swings" Sonic crossed his arms.

"Mostly it happens when women are pregnant. I'm too young to have them. Well my anger can often take me too far but I get over it" Amy said.

"Hehehe, you can be scary when you threaten with your hammer. Remember last year you showed your true scary temper to T.W. Barker and his bears, they ran off scared?" Sonic chuckled.

"Oh, that was funny. They should have seen their own faces" Amy snickered.

"Yup. Well I don't get angry enough most of the time. I just get grumpy instead of angry" Sonic said while purring from his quills rubbed.

"I like your purring" Amy said.

"I don't" Sonic purred.

"You boys are really picky on everything to like" Amy rolled her eyes.

"Boys will be boys every time" Sonic chuckled.

Soon, Amy brought Sonic back to his hut for him to lie down on the hammock. She is very worried about what's happening to him. Two days ago he's going through changes but she doesn't know what this curse means, "Has Tails found any answers to the black heart gem yet?" Sonic asked.

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