Chapter 13

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"You trying to impress a girl or something?" Zeke asks, elbowing me in the side. "I've never seen you so obsessed with your hair before."

I've been standing here fiddling with my hair for several minutes, and we are two of the last players left in the locker room. But I know Zeke has to get going soon because the after-party to celebrate our win tonight is at his house.

Really, I'm not so worried about my hair, or impressing some girl... though. I wouldn't mind Tris noticing me... but she has a boyfriend, so I don't stand an snowman's chance in hell. No, I don't really care so much about my hair. I'm just stalling.

"Maybe," I say noncommittally. "I guess you'll have to just keep wondering." I clap Zeke on the shoulder with my hand.

I turn and start walking out of the locker room. "Aw, come on, man-- don't leave me hanging here, who do you like?!" Zeke calls, catching up to me.

"I didn't even say I liked anyone, Zeke. If I did, you don't think I'd give up the information that easily, do you?"

"Whatever, man," Zeke scoffs. "Just don't you dare bail on me for that double date tomorrow."

"I won't," I groan. "But don't expect to ever drag me on another one again. This is a one-time favor."

"Yeah, yeah, we'll see. Nicole's cute, she likes you, and from what I've heard she's no prude," Zeke tells me. "Maybe after this you'll be all on board for as many dates as I'll bring you on." He wiggles his eyebrows. I just roll my eyes.

We come back out to the field on the way to the parking lot. Zeke doesn't seem to notice the man leaning against the wall of the concessions stand, which has now been closed up, the bleachers empty other than a few volunteer students picking up trash that other students left behind. But I notice him. I'm so aware of his presence, I couldn't forget if I tried.

"I'll see you at your place later for the party, Zeke. I have to do something first."

Zeke waves and leaves without me to the parking lot, and I cringe to myself as I force my feet to make their way to the man who stands there, watching me.

I noticed him here shortly before halftime. I was so surprised by his presence, I couldn't control the quick rush of anxiety rippling through me and tripped up, fumbling and accidentally turning over the ball to the other team. Luckily, I helped the team recover it in the next play, but my stomach has been churning ever since.

"Hello, son," he says darkly when I stop a yard away from him.

"Hi, Dad," I say cautiously. "I didn't expect to see you tonight."

"You're now the star quarterback for Dauntless High School, defending state champions," Marcus says. "Of course I came to see you play, son. Though I hope tonight there weren't any scouts out there to witness that fumble."

I knew he'd bring it up. I stand straighter. "It won't happen again, Sir."

He nods once, critical eyes boring into me. "You know I expect you to secure a scholarship, and you won't if you continue to play like that."

Marcus has always demanded excellence in everything, so from the moment I asked to play football in sixth grade, he has made it clear that sports are only worthwhile if I can make sure it positively impacts my future— as in, funding for college. The man has more money than God, but of course he doesn't want to spend a dime of it on his only child's education, if he can help it.

And when Marcus expects something of someone... it carries a silent or else.

I do my best to nudge our conversation into a closing topic; there's something odd about his appearance here, and I won't be able to quash this unsettled feeling until I can get out of my father's presence. "Sir? Mom said you wanted to meet me for dinner this Wednesday? I will be at practice until 6."

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