Chapter 36

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Zeke gave up his car to his mom's boyfriend for the weekend, so he rides with me to Christina's house. Since Hana is staying here in Chicago for now, they decided Harrison would visit every other weekend. I'm really wishing Zeke wasn't in the car right now, because he is currently going on about the girl that approached me on our way out to the parking lot.

"I can't believe you said no!" he exclaims. "She was hot!"

"I said I'd go to Christina's party," I tell him. Again.

Zeke rolls his eyes. "Who cares about the party?"

"If I recall correctly, you did," I remind him.

"Whatever. You still would have ended up at a party."

"Yeah," I grumble. "With people from my old school, and my old team, and goddamn Eric Coulter."

"Who?" It's dark and my eyes are on the road, but I can just picture the scrunched-up face that Zeke must be making right now.

"The asshole from outside the locker rooms," I remind him not-so-patiently.

"Oh. So? That chick was clearly inviting you out for more than just a party," he says, his smile audible in his voice. "Seriously, Four, you were crazy to pass that up. When was the last time you got laid?"

"Zeke," I warn him.

"What? Come on, man, give me some details. I tell you everything."

Unfortunately, he does. "And I really wish you wouldn't."

"Just gimme a name then."


Zeke is quiet and for one blissful minute, I think he has given up. And then he says ― no, he shouts, "No way!" I glance at him with a confused look and he keeps yelling. "You've gotta be kidding me. Most eligible bachelor of Dauntless High, a virgin. Tell me I'm wrong."

I feel my face flush and a feeling of panic. "What?! Just because I don't brag about it doesn't mean I haven't."

"Uh huh," Zeke says with obvious sarcasm. "Again, tell me I'm wrong."

My heart is pounding. Because he's right, but I really never wanted to admit to that. It isn't that I haven't had opportunities; I've had plenty. And I've done...other things. But Tris is the first girl I trusted enough to let see me without a shirt, and I care too much for her to try and jump into too much too fast.

"Don't worry, man," Zeke chortles. "We'll do something about that."

"I don't need your help, Zeke," I snap. "Just drop it."

Zeke holds his hands up. "Fine, fine, I'll drop it," he says. Then he smirks. "For now. But I'm not letting you get away with turning down another girl like that Vanessa. Man, I should have offered to go with her in your place."

"I thought you liked Shauna," I snap. Earlier tonight, in the locker room, Zeke had just confessed to me that he had feelings for Shauna. She has been a great support to him through this whole ordeal with Uriah and goes with him to the hospital to visit almost every day after practice.

"I do, I do," Zeke says. "Doesn't mean I can't look and besides, I haven't even asked her out yet."

"Zeke," I warn him. "Shauna is your friend, and she's my friend, too. So you have to cut all this player shit out if you want anything with her. Or else you're only going to hurt her."

"Fine, chill, man. I got it," Zeke grumbles.


An hour into the party, I am on my fourth beer. My conversation with Zeke on the way here did nothing to calm me down after dealing with Eric, Mom and Marcus, and losing the game, and my shoulder injury, but the alcohol does.

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