Chapter 8: The "Hang"

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(And the picture is their hang place..... you'll get it when you keep reading on. And the time it starts is 4:00 PM the "hang")


I walked to King's Cross. He told me to meet him there. I spot him looking at his phone and leaning on the wall. He looked up and puts his phone away. He smiles. I run to him and hugged him. I'm a hugger today am I? I brake the hug. "So, What are we going to do?" I ask. "Y/n, I'm going to take you to a magical place!" He answer putting an arm around me. We started to walk. "So...... What is it called?" I ask. He smiled at me. "We're going to........" he holds out a brochure in front of me. It was called Magical Diamond Garden (I made it up). The picture looked beautiful. With all the sparking diamonds everywhere. "Ready?" He ask. We hop on what looks like a taxi. When we got there someone shout "Noah?! Is that you?!". We both look back. Oh.... my...... gosh....... it's Elle McKinnon! With Bryce Gheisar staring at her hand? "Oh, hi Elle, hi Bryce" Said Noah. "What are you doing here?" Ask Elle. I don't think she see's me...... yet. Bryce saw me and said, "ah, Noah. You have a date?" He gestured to me. "Oh...... uh no. This is A Friend......... y/n" Said Noah. "Anyway, why are you two here?". Then I saw Jacob Trembly and Millie Davis skiping to us. "Hi Noah!" Said Millie. "Hey" Said Jacob. "Why are you all here?" Ask Noah, again. "Oh, we were all thinking to have Christmas together!" Said Elle. "And surprise you!" Said Millie. "Oh....... okay........" Said Noah. Then everyone looked at me. "Who's this?" Jacob ask. "Oh..... um....." Noah started. "Are you two on a date?" Millie ask. "No" Said Noah. "So, who is she and what's she doing here?". I saw Jacob looking at me the whole time. "Millie, Bryce, Jacob, Elle...... this is y/n" Said Noah slowly. "Cool, so your not the 5th wheel anymore" Said Bryce. Elle slapped him. "Ow!". We all laughed. Noah whispered to me, "let's go". I nod. Then we sneak to the garden while they are still laughing. When I first step foot in it was sooooooo beautiful! There's diamonds and fake little fairies and beautiful flowers and plants everywhere! Then I saw far ahead a lake. "That lake is where a lot of people relax and enjoy their selfs" Said Noah point at the lake. At the middle of the Garden was a HUGE water fountain. I walk to it. It was so beautiful and blue. I saw a lot of couples here. Noah looked back and so do I. They were finished laughing. "Oh, uh, y/n.... I have to show you something special!" He grabbed my hand and we ran to the forest area on the left. When we got inside he covered my eyes from behind. "Okay, So I'm going to bring you carefully there" he said. I listened to him and walked carefully. Then about 3 minutes later he said "we're here". He takes his hands out and I saw a little scenery. There was this like runes gazebo with no seats that looks so cool and by it was a little river leading to the lake. And in the center of the runes gazebo was a blanket, a basket and food. It was a picnic! It was so beautiful. "Wow...... I don't know what to say......" I Said in awestruck. "Well, don't say it but eat it!" Said Noah now dragging me to the blanket. We sat down. I looked at the food. It looks all expensive. "Wow..... the food must cost a fortune!" I Said. "Well, not really honestly" Said Noah taking a sandwich and giving it one to me. We both cheers it and ate. It was so delicious! The best sandwich I ever had in my life so far. I smiled at him. And he smiled back. He looked at the lake and said, "after we're done and all, wanna swim?". I did a "seriously" face. "But I didn't bring any swimming suits" I Said. "Yeah, I know so I brought my clothes so you can wear later after swimming...... hopefully we're the same size" he reply. Me? He offered me his clothes? Oh my gosh! This really can't be happening! I'm going to pinch myself. Ow! It's not a dream! Yay! "Why did you pinch yourself?" Noah ask. "Oh, no reason" I answer. After eating and relaxing a little we decided to go swim. He took off his shirt and jumped in first, then me. We splashed each other and laughed and swimmed! We had a really fun time. When it was almost dark or more like 7:00 we got out and dried and Noah puts his jacket around me. I felt warmer. Then we go behind trees and change. Then I was still wearing the jacket 'Cause he said I can keep it, I Said "Um, Noah? I don't really think this was a hang.....". "Oh really?" He Said putting his arm around me. "Yeah...". He smiled at me and I smiled back. "I have one more thing to show you" He Said and when we got to London, he walked us to Big Ben. And there was a HUGE Christmas tree waiting for Christmas to arrive. Then I look around. Big Ben was beautiful at night. It has a lot of lights and it was just amazing! I look back at the tree. The tree was brightly lit up. It was brilliant! Noah looked at his watch. "I should better take you home, Mrs. Williams did want you back by 8:00" he said. "Yeah...." I sad sadly. "Wait!" He took his phone out and took a selfie with me and the tree photo bombing it. He smiled at it. 10 minutes later we were at the BIG hotel that I slept in. We hug each other and he said "Bye y/n, I had a great time". "Me too" I answer. But then, without thinking, without even planning it...... he kissed me. Right on the lips. I kissed back. And I loved it. About like..... 30 seconds later we brake the kiss and we wave to each other and I went back to room 856.

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