Chapter 20: We back

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     I get out of the car. The Williams Family's car. I wave goodbye to them, and knocked on my wooden door. A slight creek noise came, then the door opened. My mother was standing there with wide arms, almost ready to hug me. "Oh my little baby is back!!" She hugs me tight. She waves to Mrs. Williams and shuts the door behind me. I looked around. The house has changed. The furniture was moved around. "Mom" I started. "Yes honey?" She answered. "There's something different about this place.." I pointed out. She shrug. "There is....". She started to stroke her chin smoothly. "So, how was London?" She ask. "It was alright I guess.." I answer. "Just alright!? Honey, you ALWAYS asked me to bring you to London!". She did have a point. I shrug. I speed walk to my room and place my stuff there. I sit on my bed and pondered... Noah Jupe....I looked at my phone. I picture of me and him blasted at me. I smiled. Then I laughed. Hard. This absolutely couldn't be real! Me! Meeting the one and only Noah Jupe! It might have been a scam or something. It might be someone who looks a lot like him! Wow... I frowned. Maybe it was a scam. Maybe it was never really him... I texted Jeremy and Evan to come over to my house tomorrow and gladly they said yes! There's a lot of things I need to think about. Starting with... Noah Jupe.

                     -The Next Day-

     Evan and Jeremy arrived at noon the next day. I didn't know until I was awaken by a crazy doorbell noise which was making by the one and only Jermey Miles. Wow. He didn't change a bit. My mom opened the door and smiled at them.
"Hi boys!" She said.
"Hello" Said Evan.
"Hey" Said Jeremy.
"Y/n is still asleep!" My Mom cringed. "She's in her room snoring or something". "Hey I heard that!" I like jump scared them when I walked up behind my mother. "Oh Jesus Christ!!" Jeremy jumped and fell on the floor. Evan helped him up. Awwwwwwwwwww.
"Come in" Said mom who I think is trying to change the subject..
"You two want anything?"
"No, were good" Evan answered.
We three ran into my room and Jeremy shouts the door behind us. "So! What do you need, y/n?" Jeremy ask, now sitting on my desk. "Get off". Jeremy puts his hands up and gets off. "Okay okay". "So, I brought you both here to discuss about what happened in London...did we really go to London England?" I said in concern. They both paused for a moment. "Why'd you ask that?!" Evan reply suddenly. I shrug. "I don't know, cause I meant the love of my life: Noah Jupe. That's why!" I tossed my hands up like a maniac.
"Y/n, it really did happen.." Jeremy quietly said. "Really?". "Yes really".
I sat down on the nearest chair. "So I really met Noah Casford Jupe..." I Said, stunned. "And fell in love with him!" Evan added. "You two are endgame!!" Jeremy smirked. We three laughed. "Okay okay, I get it" I wipe a tear of laughter. "So, all you need to do now is to see if you think the whole Noah Jupe thing is actually real...." Evan sighed. I looked down. Do I think it's real?! What the heck is he talking about??! Of course I do! But the same time...I kind of don't...

Sorry that this one is a little way too long. But you wanted more...right? So here you go! 💕

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