Chapter 1

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Gunshots ran and whizzed past Sachi while she made all her desperate attempts to dodge them. The blinding colors of Japan blazed by like the colors of a wildfire in a city. Sachi wasn’t breaking a sweat as she ran in the roads and alleys in an attempted to outrun the three crooks. She reached her hand around to the black and blue sack she had on her back and grabbed the gun attached to it, turned around and fired a few shots. They all missed. “Crap,” she snarled under her breath. “I can’t keep up like this! I need to fire six more shots so I can kill them before they kill me.” Running into an alleyway, she dodged four more bullets.

“Get back here!” One of the men said while letting off one more shot. Sachi ran left and took another right and was slowly losing the men firing shots like no tomorrow. “Time to end this,” Sachi laughed. She ducked behind a dumpster and quickly reloaded her handgun, while quickly grabbing another out of her pack.

“You’ll wish you never messed with me,” she smiled. When the men got to the dumpster they were lost and confused.

“Where did she go?” The first and the obvious leader said.

“Beats me, that chick can run!” The second thug gasped.

“Well wherever the hell she went, I’m going to kill her!” The third thug cracked a dirty smile at his own statement.

“Come out, come out wherever you are,” the leader coaxed. He blindly shot at a trash can. The bullet went through both sides of the can and landed with a thunk against the brick wall across from Sachi’s hiding spot. The leader sighed and turned around. “Maybe she doubled back?” he guessed.

Sachi leaped from her hiding spot and shot one bullet at the leader. She hit him right in the heart and he was dead almost instantly. She ran and shot twice at the third thug, one bullet landing near his heart, and another in his heart. He fell to the ground gasping and begging for mercy while the second thug spun and shot multiple never ending shots.

“His whole backside is open. If I could swing and jump off the wall and point the gun and shoot him in the head and the heart it’s a win-win. But that leaves me open to for any shots to be taken to the stomach. I don’t have time to think of that now! Just run and shoot!” Sachi thought. She jumped on top of the dumpster and ran along the top while being shot at multiple times near all the weak points of the human body. She jumped on the wall and ran a little, did a back flip coming off the wall shot the remainder of her three bullets she planned originally to shoot with. The second thug fell to the dirt of the alley and was coughing up blood.

“Please! Have mercy!” He coughed and spewed.

“Not today old man.” Sachi said and walked out of the alley, blinded by the city lights as her enemies lay dead in the dark alley.


Hey Guys! I really appreciate you reading my first part to my first story ever! :D Im having a problem though.... I dont know what to name my story! XD So Im making a contest out of this and I want you to leave me a comment of a title you think that would fit the theme or feel of this story! When enough people have commented and posted names and titles on this book or my profile, I'll choose the name that I love the most and the winner will have the next chapter dedicated to them and knowing they named the whole book! Have fun! <3

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