Chapter 11

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We were now on some planet called Xandar. The people here really varied in species. I took a large amount of amusement in looking at all these people, things. Peter grabbed my hand and pulled me beside him as he muttered a string of unfamiliar words to me. I smiled sheepishly, following beside him silently.

"Now, I have to go see the Broker. I need you to wait here. Don't move. Can you do that?" He looked me in the eyes with a serious mood. "Can you?"

I felt something strange. Being given orders felt familiar. I nodded and propped myself against the wall. "Can I sit?" He chuckled and told me it was fine. Slowly, I slid down the wall as he walked inside. After a few minutes, a green woman came over with a mysterious fruit in hand, leaned against the wall to my left, and began to eat the fruit.

"You with Star-Lord," she asked me.

I glanced over at her, but stayed silent. I didn't think it'd be safe to talk to her. Peter didn't tell me that I could talk to anyone so I'd rather not risk it. She shrugged and continued eating the fruit. A second later, Peter came tumbling out.

"Farewell, Mr. Quill!" And the door was shut.

"Hey, we had a deal, bro!" Peter shouted after him. "C'mon, Cyral." He grunted before kicking the door, retracting in pain a second later.

"What happened," the green woman asked Peter.

The man looked between the door, Cyral, and the woman. "This guy just backed out of a deal on me. If there's one thing I hate, it's a man without integrity- Peter Quill, people call me Star-Lord." I furrowed my eyebrows.

"You have the bearing of a man of honor," the woman stated, pushing herself off the wall and throwing the fruit to the side.

"Well," started Sir-Lies-A-Lot. "You know, I wouldn't say that. People say it about me, all the time, but it's not something I would ever say about myself." He glanced at me, whom was still sitting on the floor.

Just then, the woman made an advancement and launched at Peter. Grabbing some orb, kicking Peter, they began to fought each other. Whereas, I, still order-less, sat there in boredom and wonder. I didn't know whether I could help or not with what was going on.

"That wasn't the plan," the woman grumbled. Suddenly, a knife appeared and she attempted to stab Peter. I knew this was the part where I should step in.

"Peter!" I flew quickly and kicked her in her shoulder. She rolled off and skidded along the floor a few yards away.

"Thanks," he said with a grunt. "You can fly?" I shrugged in response. "For a minute there, I didn't think you'd help me."

I bit my lip. "For some reason, I felt that unless I had orders I shouldn't defy orders."

Then, out of nowhere, a creature slammed against Peter. He scampered and ran up the woman to blind her. "Put him in the bag! Put him in the bag!" A tree-man came over and began to extend his tree branches towards the unnamed alien girl. "No! Not her, him! Learn genders, man!" The woman bit the little thing's hand and caused him to yell out loud. "Biting? That's not fair!"

Peter grabs the orb off the floor and ran into the crowd. I followed suit, staying at his head's height. "Where are we going?"

Before he could answer, something shot at him and took him down. "Subject 89P13, drop your weapon." I turned, seeing flying aircrafts with beams coming out the base of them and picking up the three over there. "By the authority of the Nova Corps, you are all under arrest..."

Two men came over and grabbed Peter, lifting him in a rude manner. "Hey! If it isn't Star-Prince!"

The smile wiped from Peter's face in a single second. "Star-Lord..." I could tell he has an issue with people naming him properly.

"Hey!" I looked down as I saw a small group of people below me.

Peter stiffened glanced between me and them in a silent bout of rage. "No! Leave her out of this!"

Suddenly, I dropped down onto the floor. Pain shocked me harshly and I yelled. One of the men had shot an electric net at me and now, here I was, writing on the floor, like a pained mess. But this felt so unfamiliar. I couldn't remember why. But pain and feelings were a generally strange thing for me at the moment. I think I was supposed to be like Peter and collapse to the floor in a half-conscious state. Instead I was screaming and trying to tear this forsaken thing off me.

I was shoved into an aircraft and suddenly a pair of cuffs were set around me. "What's this for?! I didn't do anything!"

The Nova Corps man who grabbed me glared at me harshly before hitting my eye with the blunt of his gun and successfully emitting a scream of pain from me. "Shuddap!" I held my tears back.

"Dude! Don't hit a girl! She didn't even do anything," Peter shouted. But then he was quickly knocked out.

I sat silently, ignoring the wandering glances of the others. When we finally arrived to wherever we are supposed to go, Peter woke up. He looked at me, first with a look as if saying "where are we?" And then the look became one more like "are you okay?" I nodded slightly at him. But, instead I still felt my left eye begin to swell up.

We were lifted up and dragged into a building with many Nova Corps around us. "Peter," I whispered. "What's going on? I don't understand."

He pushed my question aside. "Is your eye okay?"

"Y-yeah..." All the while, the creature was leading us and barking offensive words towards the guardsmen. "I'm fine. I can hardly feel it." It wasn't a lie, I really couldn't feel it. Unless I blinked. But now it was almost impossible to actually even see through my eye. Peter grunted as he was shoved up to the podium base.

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