Chapter 64

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I could not have pained enough. The amount of talking and sorting out that I did was irritating. But Tony stayed on his fact. Steve stayed on his. Neither wanted to communicate to each other and neither wanted to hurt the other. It was like getting inbetween an argument with an old married couple.

"Wanda, where are you from?"

She spoke up, for the first time, and her tone was kind but firm. "Sokovia."

I crossed my arms. Borghild even seemed annoyed by now. "And how did these guys discover you? Fury? Tony's new super agent or something?"

She shook her head. "Ultron, a robot that Tony created that destroyed Sokovia and tried to destroy the world-"

Tony spoke up and raised his voice. "In my defense-!"

Finally, my anger got the best of me. "Tony!! SHUT. THE. HEL. UP!"

He slammed his mouth shut and looked away. The others seemed surprised that I was able to get him to do that but I didn't falter. Turning back to Wanda, I motioned for her to continue.

"We all know he didn't mean to create the robot the way it was. But it doesn't change what he did." Tony opened his mouth but not before I shot him with a heavy blast of steel. He was knocked from his feet and the others on his team ran to make sure he was okay. "I trust Steve more than I ever could him."

I scoffed. "Okay. Scott?"

His answer was short and sweet. "I needed something from an Avengers compound a few months ago. Met Falcon and he recruited me for this."

The heat was seriously getting to me. Even if I was in my fighting garb, it still made me sweat more than necessary. Using my new powers, my clothes changed into my normal attire from Midgard.

"God, you guys are a mess here." I motioned to Black Panther. "Name?"

"I am T'Challa. Barnes killed-"

I yelled in frustration. "GODDAMNIT!" A blast of energy shot itself out of me. Borghild was the only one to stay standing afterwards. "I asked for your name! Just your name!" Vision flew up again so my energy blast wouldn't affect him again.

Borghild put his hand on my wrist to calm me down. "My Queen, your anger will not help your abilities." I could feel the electric buzz from my overuse of magic. My knees buckled beneath me suddenly.

"Cyral!" Tony shouted in worry.

"Cyral!" Steve yelled concerned.

"Your Highness!"

Borghild knelt beside me and the all the others circled around me. I took deep breaths that were shallower than I meant them to be. Borghild dug around his pocket for a moment before giving me a vial. It was the same as those I had to drink before but only for emergency cases when I am struggling to suppress or overuse my powers.

I drank it quickly and my body relaxed shortly afterwards. "Thank you, Borghild." I coughed into my palm lightly and he helped me back up.

Tony looked at me wearily. "Cyral, what was that about?"

Sighing, I ran a hand through my hair and used Borghild to help myself stand. "My powers are stronger but I'm still adjusting. I shouldn't be on Midgard but here I am. You all interrupted my recovery, only because you couldn't agree on a simple matter."

Tony laughed bitterly. "See, Steve? She agrees with me. Listen to her Queen-liness-"

I interrupted him once more. "When did I say I was agreeing with you."

Bucky stepped forward beside Steve. "So you agree with us?"

I shook my head. "I agree with neither of you. Both of you are taking your own selfish notions into your own selfish needs. Now talk and discuss."

"I'm not talking to a war criminal," Tony spat.

I materialized two chairs and table in the middle of the airport battlefield and forced Tony and Steve to sit down. "Talk. The others will be with me."

I brought the others over a bit further from the two men stuck in chairs. Steve and Tony's wrists were both rested on the table where I took the chance and strapped them both down so they couldn't move or attack each other. Ignoring their angry shouts, I turned to the others.

"Natasha, Clint. I may be just a child or an emotionless killing machine to you two, but I expected more out of you. It's sad you couldn't even get both of your 'team leaders' to agree." They stood stiffly but I knew they both began to feel guilt at what I said.

"Can I-? Can I just ask a quick question," Spider-man stammered. I nodded. "So you are the Queen of Asgard?"

"Yes. Many things happened. I left weeks ago to go to Asgard to heal my body and while I was there I discovered that I am... the Queen of Asgard. I do not wish to say more."

Spider-man didn't seem to mind my secrecy. "And that man... Bogily? Is your guard?"

I laughed lightly. Borghild's face turned red in anger and embarrassment but he held it back. "Borghild is my guard, yes. He devoted the rest of his life to me."

Natasha pulled Spider-man back and took the reign in the "interrogation." "Your father says that he let you go. Does he know your back?" I shook my head. "Why did you come back?"

I sighed and tapped my foot with a small glance to the two men. "Heimdall informed me of your little argument here. You guys are bound to get people killed- or worse, one of you!"

"I am sensing a peculiar magic in you. You must be part of the stone," Vision commented.

I looked up at him. "Dude, you're a red robot with emotions. Finding out I have the stone in me isn't he weirdest thing ever." I crossed my arms.

"That's it!" I jumped at the sound of Tony's angry shout. He shot a blast at the table and flew away.

Steve broke apart from the holds as well. Each member ran to their original team and began charging at each other with serious expressions. I grumbled, Borghild watching it unfold.

"Are you serious, Tony?!"

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