Chapter 90

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We trekked it way through endless hallways and opened doors to nowhere. I watched with attentiveness while the yellow skinned woman trampled around. Of course, no one knew where to go. Peter filled me in on some details. Apparently, I had superpowers. Now, Ral-Ka is the only one with a power but it isn't really super.

"So, where do you- uhm, where do you think we should go," he asked.

Ral-Ka shrugged wordlessly. We heard voices chattering up ahead. They sounded familiar and somehow they were. Upon hearing their voices, she ran towards them until Peter stopped us.

"Let- let me do the talking," he stammered. "Okay?"

I nodded. "Understood, sir."

He blinked emotionlessly at me. "Okay, that's never not going to be weird." He rubbed his hands together and lowered himself down. "Speaking of loyalty- Okay! I know what your going to say to me!"

"You should not be here," snapped one of the voices.

"I was gonna go home-!"

The voice wouldn't have it though. "I don't wanna hear it!"

Peter shifted and tried to press his point further. "But it was such a long way down and I thought about-"

I heard a slap like the voice hit his hands against his thighs. "And now I gotta hear it!"

"-And this suit is ridiculously intuitive, by the way. So, if anything, it's kinda your fault that I'm here," he reasoned uselessly.

Peter dropped from his string and I finally was able to see the man he'd been talking to. He was a little short, but the dark brown hair and sassy attitude seemed familiar. The two bickered back and forth before some fight surged out. Without orders, I was left to watch. Which I did without caring. A hole in the ship opened and someone was thrown out. My body couldn't handle the drag as I was brought down- still in Ral-Ka's form, landing on the ground.

"What- Cyral?" She looked up to the man. "What are you doing here?"

The woman picked herself- ourselves- up and dusted us off. "We've had a bit of a run in with Thanos. Cyral can't remember anything."

Peter broke in with minimal importance. "Yeah! An-and she sent her memories to me. Like, all of them. She's lived a very long time, by the way."

Ral-Ka huffed and her sword dissipated. "Tony. Who's that?" She pointed to someone who seemed to be gaining their bearings behind him.

"He's an ungrateful idiot," snapped Tony.

The second man scoffed. "I seriously don't know how you fit your head into that helmet."

Tony retorted in similar attitude. "Admit it. You should've ducked out when I told you too. I tried to bench you, your refused." Whatever happened between these two prior to this event must've really stirred things up because Peter seemed uneasy.

"Unlike everyone else in your life, I don't work for you."

I still couldn't understand what was happening. The second man never introduced himself and the Tony seemed to be on edge. Which just puts Peter on edge.

"Mr. Parker, I do not understand the current events." But he didn't respond.

"And due to that fact, we are now in a flying doughnut, billions of miles from earth. With no back-up," continued the first man.

Peter quickly tried to press his input into the conversation. "I'm back-up!"

However, Tony effortlessly tossed that input away. "No. You're a stowaway. The adults are talking."

I frowned. Was I not an adult? What is an adult? Maybe it's what Peter and I aren't? Everything is too confusing for me to make sense of. Peter is my only clue but I'm not even curious to figure anything out.

"I'm confused as to the relationship here. I mean, what is he? Your ward?"

Peter offered his hand to the second man with a correction; "No, I'm Peter, by the way."

The man didn't take his hand. Instead, looked at Peter with an estranged glare with a wary essence. "Doctor Strange," he said shortly.

I saw the young boys eyes widen in surprise. "O-oh, we're using our made up names. I'm Sp-Spider-Man... then."

I nodded to myself. Doctor looked at me curiously. "And who are you? Silent and demanding?"

Tony sighed. "She's one of the Avengers. We all knew her. I guess something happened and now her memories and feelings are gone just like before."

"Whoa, Wait. Before?" Peter glanced between Tony and I. "This happened before?"

"Yeah. When we met she was basically a robot. But none of us Avengers could get close to her. The majority of the time she was in Asgard. She disappeared for several years. When she came back, she lost her eyesight and gained more powers. Then left again."

Doctor nodded to himself. "So, how did she lose all that?"

"Oh," started Peter. "I-I have all her memories. As... I told you before..."

Tony and Doctor looked at him like he was a foreign object they needed to figure out. Tony was the first to snap out of his trance. "So, that means you can tell us what she knows about Thanos?" Peter nodded. "Anything we don't know?"

The boy hesitated. "I- Uh-" The brown doe eyes of the young spider landed on me like he was asking if it was okay. But I didn't know so I urged him on. "I'm not sure if it's for me to share."

Doctor stepped forward. "Just tell us. It could split the line between death and life."

Warily, achingly slowly, Peter spoke the words. "She was married to him. And had a kid."

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