Chapter 86

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For the first time in two and a half years, I saw the sun going down and darkness taking over. Groot and Rocket were sleeping in the corner and Peter was asleep on my lap. Gamora sat across from me. Both of us were drinking hot cocoa and talking softly to each other.

"Wait, so this man that you fell in love with... argued with you for two years by not arguing, and then he disappears the first day he does. And when he comes back he proposes to you?" The green haired beauty sipped her hot drink.

I nodded and lowered my drink down to reply. "Mm! Yeah, it was a little bothersome. But, I mean, I really love him. I do. It's just..." I sighed and looked into my drink. "I don't know if he really loves me."

Gamora sighed. "What makes you think he doesn't? From what I know, he really does."

I licked my lips nervously. "Because... he's kinda.. the God of Lies and Mischief."

"God's exist?"

I shrugged. "As far as I know."

"So you don't know if you can trust him because he is literally the God of Lies," she repeated.

I took another sip of my drink and nodded. "Nearly worse than you and Quill."

She suddenly spit her drink out. "What makes you think such a thing? We aren't together!"

I shushed her and ran my fingers through his hair to calm him. "Yeah. Well, in case you don't remember from earlier, I am kind of, sort of the first being in the universe. I can see a love string when there is one." I pointed to her and spun my finger around with my nose upturned. "You have the love bug."

She scoffed and shook her head. "I do not have the love bug."

"Oh, please. You definitely do." She stayed quiet and I did, as well. "I have to go now. My... boyfriend must be looking for me by now."

She nodded and moved to help me with Peter. Swiftly, I rolled away as she swept into my spot. I chuckled and waved her goodbye.

"Wait," she whisper-yelled. "Will we see you anytime soon? We are leaving in the morning!"

I smiled softly. "Unfortunately, I'll probably not see you guys soon. Maybe later." I began to leave and waved to her as I walked down the ramp.

I walked around until I found Thor. He stood with Heimdall and Korg outside a large hotel. "Lady Cyral," Heimdall greeted. "We had thought you were with Loki."

I sighed. "No. He left earlier. I assume he never found you?" Thor shook his head. "It's okay. We kind of got in a fight."

Heimdall groaned. "Milady, what is it this time?"

"What, they fight often?" Thor asked.

Korg laughed to himself. "Miss Cyral wouldn't argue without a reason. I believe the issue is Loki."

I gasped. "Oh, no! No, no!! It wasn't him at all. By all means, it was my own selfishness."

"What do you mean," Heimdall questioned.

Pressing my hands to my thighs, I hesitated to answer. "He... asked to marry me and I said... no?"

Thor and Korg gasped dramatically and pressed the fingers to their cheeks. I rolled my eyes and scoffed. Heimdall frowned at me.

"That was unwise," he mumbled.

I sighed. "I know, I know. 'Give him a chance' and all that but-"

"No. It is because he truly loves you."

My eyes widened. "What did you say?"

Thor nodded and took over for Heimdall. "While in Sakaar, Loki would not shut up about you. He begged to find a way to check on you and ways to talk to you. He actually loves you, First Queen."

A voice from behind me made a shiver roll down my back and my shoulders rise. "It's true, you know." I faced Loki and tried not to show how scared I was. "I love you. And if my being the God of Lies is the issue then fret not because it's the only truth I'll tell."

"Loki, I-"

He closed the distance between us and grabbed my hands to press them to his breast. "I love you."

I tried to pull away. "Loki-"

"I love you."

Staring into his pupils, I saw a reflection of myself. I stared straight up at him with a frightened glance. But the serious in them. There was no mischief, no wrongdoing, no lie. It was all truth. Something I never thought Loki to be able to do.

"I love you, too." It was a breathless answer.

He got down on one knee, and looked up at me this time with tears in his eyes. "Cyral Kaldr, goddess of my heart, lover of my dreams, owner of my love... would you do me the honors of your hand in marriage?"

This time I could feel it. The racing heart, the shaking hands, the quick of breath. I was happy. "Yes," I gasped. "Yes, yes, yes!"

He stood and I jumped happily into his arms. "Finally."

He took us back to his hotel room where we talked about everything that had happened. Incidentally, I fell asleep at his place. In the morning I awoke to the sharpest jawline ever. I didn't think people could be attractive by the line of their face.

"Good morning, my dear." He whispered in my ear.

My back tensed up and I shivered. "You were awake."

He chuckled, but it was deep unlike I was used to. "How could I sleep when my gorgeous fiancé is in my arms again? After two and a half years."

I blushed as he rolled us closer to each other to kiss my forehead. "I'm so happy."

"As am I. Now, we should get ready and head outside before my brother assumes us dead," he laughed.

I looked up at him and he glanced down at me. "You said brother. That's the second time."

He looked away and closed his eyes. "I suppose I'm changing. But really, we must go."


Loki chuckled at me. "It's four in the afternoon."

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