Three Player Game

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Thomas POV:

I never thought it would happen. But it did. It honestly did. I had a crush.


On two people.

John Laurens, and Alexander Hamilton. I had a feeling they liked each other. But they always we're around me.  Like always. And when ever I made contact with one of them they would blush, as did I. Am I missing something? If so, what'd I miss?

John POV:

I can't believe it, but it's true. All true. I have a bad crush. On. Wait for it.

Two people.

They just so happen to be Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton. Great. I know Thomas liked Alexander, and vice versa. But. They always are flirting with me and blushing around me, without even noticing it.

Do I have a chance? I dunno.

Alex POV:

Oh. My. God. Those damn smiles. That damn hair. Those damn freckles. UGGGGH.

I have a crush on two people. That's right. Dòs. Two. T-w-o.

Thomas and John. I know John and Thomas like each other, but they are always including me in everything and blushing around me, like literally.

Is it wrong to think that they actually like me.  Only fate will tell me.

Everybody's POV:

I decided to tell them.

Thomas POV:

Alexander said he had something to tell me and John, and John said he ahd something to tell me and Alex. And me, well you get the point.

We all met up at John's dorm. Because his smells like coacoa butter and mint, and it's a happy vibe. Don't ask.

"So...what's up?" I ask Alex and John, as they nervously fiddle with their hands.

"I was gonna ask you the same thing," they said in unison. I chuckler, as did they.

"You go first," we all said, in unison, again.

"Let's just go together," John proposes. We all nod, and sigh, here goes nothing.

"I like both of you," we all said in unison. We all gasp.

"You do?" We all say in UNISON AGAIN.

"Okay, first of all we need to stop copying each other, and second of all yeah I like both of you," Alex said. John and I agreed with body language.

"So, what do we do now?" I ask. John then takes out some envelopes from his drawers and hands one to me, and one to Alex. We read ours.

"How long ago did you write these John?" I ask. He scoffs.

"Two months ago..." He mutters.

"Wow. Just wow.  And I thought I had feelings for you guys long," I laugh. Alex says 'yeah' and laughs lightly.

"So... Wanna go out with me...? I Me and Him?" John asks confused. Alex and I nod.


3 Months Later:

"John, hun, where's the car keys?" I ask, rummaging through papers and junk.

"I think Alex had em' last," John replies kissing my cheek. Alex come southern if the hallway, swinging the keys on his index finger.

"Looking for these, love?" Alex says. I try grabbing them, but he throws to John who puts them in a safe with a digit password. Seriously???

"Seriously, just, I need to go to work!" I whine.

"It's okay, Mr. Washington told us it's alright, we called you in sick," John smirks. Oh you little cinnamon roll.

"Well, I guess I'll be spending time with my two favorite lovers in the world then," I propose.

"I guess," Alex mocks.

Is it good??? Just so you know I lolove Jamilams, it's my ot3 and I fucking love don't even know... Anyways, please vote, follow, request, and comment!!!

-Love-Lams 😘😘😘

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