So Close

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Eliza POV:

"I saw him. I saw it all, too." I told  Peggy.

She pursed her lips.

"Why would he do such a thing..?" She asked, hands on top of mine, in a comforting thing.

"Maybe he doesn't really love me.." I proposed. "Maybe he just wasn't satisfied with what I had to offer.."

"You're amazing and he's a dip shit for hurting you like that.." Peggy said, firmly.

"But Maria....she was my friend.." I cried. "And she did that...with him.." I cried once more.

"Well, I don't know what to say, but it's not like you and Alex were married Hun... " She said. I nodded. She was right, after all.

"'re right..he's not worth my tears anyways." I said, and Peggy cheered.

"Yes! That's the fucking spirit Eliza!" She screamed. My eyes widened at her bold language.

"Matter of fact, I'm going to go tell him that!" I said, and Peggy and I jumped up in joy.

I felt a sudden jolt of energy and confidence, and ran out the door, Peggy's cheers of enthusiasm fading behind me.

I ran to his apartment, and knocked frantically.

He opened the door, looking like shit.

"Alexander." I said, firmly.

"Elizabeth." He replied, his voice cracked, like he had been crying.

"Are you okay?" I asked, forgetting why I came.

"Yeah, it's just I feel bad...and I have a confession.." he said, tears slipping down his cheeks.

"Oh, yeah, I already know, Alexander." I said, sarcasm dripping from my tone.

He looked up, worriedly.

"I'm so so so sorry, Eliza you have to understand that I-" I cut him off, with my finger on his lips.

"Its okay, I don't even care. It doesn't matter how close we got to love. Even though we were so close and all, I don't care. I understand that we weren't that serious in your eyes, and that you don't love me." I said, thoroughly.

His brows furrowed in surprise and confusion.

"How did you...why are you don't care..?" He stumbled on his words, his hands fidgeting.

"Yes, I don't care." I said.

He lunged at me, hugging me tightly. I smiled, knowing he felt bad but also that it took a weight off of both if our shoulders.

"Eliza, I have another confession.." he said, letting go of me.

"Go on." I said, preparing myself.

"'t like Maria... Like at all.... In fact, she likes you... And I was like heavily drunk and yeah... So yeah..  I don't even like girls to be honest.." he explained.

I nodded. But then it hit me.

"Wait a fucking minute." I paused. "Maria likes me?!" I screamed, standing up, leaving Alex dumbstruck on the floor.

"Yeah, she told me-" I cut him off, bolting out of the door. Slamming it behind me. Probably leaving Alex in a drunken-like daze.

I ran, once again, to Maria's apartment, which was like two flights if stairs up. I could be the next Jesse Jackson at this pace.

I knocked, only three times.

She opened the door, and dropped her smile.

"Eliza?" She said, more like a question, however.

"Yes?" I said, using the same tone. She gulped.

"Before you say anything, I know about you and Alex, and I'm cool with it because he doesn't like girls anyways, but he told me that you...." I started, but couldn't finish the sentence before she yanked me inside her apartment.

"He told you what?!" She said, anxiety dripping from her lips.

"That you like me.." I whispered. My back pressed against the door behind me, my eyes wide in surprise.

Her gaze softened and she let the breath, she didn't even know she was holding go. Suddenly in the hazy moment, she leaned forward and kissed me. I kissed back, naturally.

It was a moment or two when she pulled back.

"Do you like me?" I asked. She nodded. "Yeah.."

"Do you...?" She asked, her eyes showing worry.

"I don't even know what my favorite color is right now..." I laughed, she giggled too.

"Is that a 'yes'?"  She asked, smiling. I nodded, shrugging my shoulders.

"Yes!" She hissed, and lunged to hug me, like Alex had.


(Meanwhile two flights of stairs down.)

Alex POV:


Eliza is so nice. But crazy. They all are. All of the sisters. The fact that she knew about it and was cool with it, relieved me, even if it shouldn't.

I still feel remorse but it's a lot less now. She is so nice, and anybody who hurts her again, like I did, is going to meet their end.

I know hypocritical, yes, but i don't like girls, so it doesn't count, my parents just wanted me to be their perfect, not-gay son, am I right? Heh.

Just as I laughed to myself, John came through the door.

"H-hey!" I squeaked. He chuckled.

"Eliza broke up with me, and she knows I don't like girls, so yeah..." I said entirely too fast. He looked at me, eyebrows raised, eyes droopy.

"You act like I didn't already know that." He said, turning to empty the bags if groceries.

"Wait- what?" I said, confusion hitting me like a tsunami.

"Yeah, Alex, I know you like dudes, because I like dudes and I know when someone else likes dudes, especially when they like me." He said, putting the last of the small amount of groceries up.

"Wait, so you know I like you?" I asked, dumbstruck.

"Yes, Alexander , I know you like me, because I like you too, Jesus Christ, you're so oblivious." he laughed.

"So-" I didn't get to finish my sentence, before he put his finger on my lips, like Eliza did.

What is it with people who I like shushing me, do they have some kinks they'd like to share?

"Alex, shut up, and kiss me already.." he said. I took no time to think twice, before I lunched towards him, crashing our lips together. After what seemed so short, but was actually a pretty decent time of kissing, I retracted.


Something funny for thy fandom. Yeah, I  know I'm a joke. Anyways, thanks for reading and please vote and comment, lemme know what you think! I also take requests, and I'm doing a lot of them because, guess what?



-Love-Your-Ships ❤️💜💛🖤💙💚🌼

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