Blood & Beauty

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John POV:

It seems to miss the human eye, when one says that 'blood is thicker than water'.

It also seems to brush past the fact that not everyone can resist the urges within love.

But with love comes lies.

I learned this a long time ago. A very long time ago, indeed.

Blood is thicker than water. They say this, but water is the most dangerous natural element in the world.

It kills, it takes, and it's utterly and relentlessly deadly.

It can swipe everything you've ever loved from you in a matter of brief moments. In the single blink of an eye.

If it's one thing I am grateful for over the years, it's the fact that I have seen, what only few can relate too, and I have done what nobody has dared to do before.

Call me full of myself, but I am only prideful in what I have done. Only few would understand that as well.

Humans are so.... Delusional, often. They tend to forget and miss things, and look past the small details, leading them to plummet down society's messed up agenda.

When in reality, society really has no say in how you live. It's irrelevant, most of the time. Completely and most certainly useless.

And another thing, many don't understand, is the very little known fact that with oblivion to the details, becomes oblivion to your legacy.

I used to think that nobody else shared these epiphanies and strange, yet honest realizations. Keyword. Used.

That was until I met a person, as I was sitting in a cafe, across from the cobblestone roads that infested New York.

This person, who had no interest in modern delicacies or trends, sat in front of me, not a single word spoken.

When they did look up, all I saw was two brown eyes, as brown as the trees bark in California.

Truly remarkable, the eyes of this person. The way they locked with mine for quite some time, looking, and scanning over one another. Their eyebrows bring themselves down to furrow, knitted in confusion.

Breaking the intense silence, a waiter came and set menus down below us.

They looked down at the menu, scanning, feverishly.

When the waiter came by again, I said I wanted nothing, for human food don't meet my needs, or should I say meat.

The person, with the wood like eyes, order an extra large vanilla coffee. All that their order seemed to be, presumably.

"So, you're new here." I finally spoke, slashing through the tension.

"Nope, I've been here for two years, studying in college, never getting out of my dorm for more than five minutes. And in those five minutes, I'd walk to class, which took the entire five minutes mentioned. I never get out much." He said.

"Oh, well sincerest apologies, I seem to have not examined the entire city, apparently." I said, smiling.

"Yes, indeed you have not." He replied, his eyes darting towards the window, shown a grey skyline.

"John Lauren's, but I like J." I said, offering a possible friendship.

"Alex .H, call me Lex," he said, in the same tone. Unlike many other people, this one intrigued me. Maybe it was his long dark locks of hair, or his mysterious wood and doe like eyes.

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