Got My Phone Took (Literally)

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Thomas POV:

You see...

I'm an asshole. My readers on Wattpad need stories and I got my phone took, so bummer. The problem is, I'm a 21 year old man, and my boyfriend, Alexander, took my phone.

Like, why?

Right now he is hiding under the bed because he knows I can't get under there. Oh, how delightful.

"Alex! Give it back! WATTPAD NEEDS ME!" I screech. He laughs and flips me off. I laugh, and respond.

"Later, hun, give me my phone back!"

Alex galsed as if he was offended, when in real life, he knows he wants it for Christ's sake.

"Alex!" I screech as he rolls and hides my phone with him in the closet.

I storm to the door and bang on it. He laughs hysterically.

"You never pay attention to me or your surroundings, so now you have to!" He retaliates. I groan as I fumble with the door knob, trying to retrieve my phone.

What a bitch.

"Tommy~" he purrs. Oh no.

"No. Give me my phone, Lex."

"Oh but it's no fun if we do it the easy way~"

"Ugggh, just gimme it!" I argue, quite childishly really.

"Fine, you win, but you owe me..." He trails off as he slides the phone over to me. I turn it on, and find that the battery was on 2%. Well fuck me gently with a chainsaw.

I plug it in and glare at Alex.

"Whaaaat?~" he purrs, drawing the 'a' out in 'what' to add exaggeration.

"Nothin'" I say, sass present in my voice. He pouts and climbs over the bed towards me.

"Oh c'mon be a little nice, Tommy..." He whispers. I shake my head, stubbornly.

"You're so childish." He scolds. I scoff.

"You're the childish one..." I trail off.

"Whatever, Thomas..." He says, brushing it off. He then passionately smahses his lips into mine. He bites my lip. That slick little bastard.

I pin him down, holding his wrists to the bed. I pull away my lips, to breathe. He lips are swollen by the kissing session.

"You're a bad little boy..." I scold, playfully.

"I know..." He trails off as I lean down to kiss him again. I trail the kisses down his neck leaving multiple kisses on his neck and collarbone.

He moans a low and need moan. I bite down on his shoulder, and he moans loudly, letting me know I've hit his sweet spot.

I continue to kiss his shoulder and collarbone, as his moans increase, loud and quiet.

"Tommy~" he moans out as I stop kissing his neck.

" What is it, baby boy~?" I ask, purring in his ear.

" I want you, Tommy~" he moans out. I feel my pants grow hard.

"Well guess what?" I ask, seductively.

"What?" He says, eager obvious in his voice.

"Nope. Because you've been bad," I say.

"Fuck you. Teaser." He says trying to wiggle out of my grasp. I laugh and release him. He gets up walks into the kitchen, glaring at me, I laugh like a maniac as he grumbles and goares on.

That's what he gets. He shouldn't have took my phone.

Sorry for the lack of updated, I got my phone taken for a week, hence the lack, but it gave me inspiration, so yeah? Thanks for reading! Please...


Thanks for reading! ;3

-Love-Lams 😘😘😘

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