Rational Thoughts Forgotten

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Alex POV:

You see usually, I would stay home, on Saturday nights, but I couldn't tonight. Something inside me wanted something so much more.

So I decided to go to a 'panic room'. They call it that, not because that's where people hide, but because it's where people lose their shit, and dance and grind against one another just for the hell of it.

I knew it was a bad idea, but I needed to do something to prove that I can let go of myself to myself, I guess.

I dressed in a simple ripped shirt, with a Muse logo on it, and my signature ripped, black jeans. I was quite the emo as a teen, but nowhere near as bad as belly button piercings.

I only had three ear, one brow, and two lip piercings.

You know I wasn't joking.

But they were studs, mostly.

For some unknown reason, I had thougt they we're the coolest things back then. But now. They're just reminders of his teenage years.
Thanks, My Space.
I grab my ID and walk out of my very unsettling apartment. Oh. Not to mention, my boyfriend left me just two weeks ago, saying I never had any fun anymore. Time to show him exactly what fun I can have.

I slam my door behind me, trying to contain the brimming tears.

I stuff my hands in my pockets, the tension in my shoulders loosening as I approach the crowded location. I waited to be checked, and as soon I was, I entered the room. Only to be bombarded with laughing, screams, and calming but bass boosted music.

There's no crying now.

The music instantly intoxicated my veins as I was pushed into a sea of people, grinding and dancing up on one another.

I felt as if I was drunk and high, throw stoned in there too, but I literally just walked in.

Welcome to the...

I felt people push their body's hard against mine, and people grab my waist, lazily, focusing on the moment in hand.

Panic room.

I danced and got lost in the flashing lights and people jumping, dancing lousily, no rhythm or concise direction.

I stopped by the make shift bar, and got some 'high class's Sam Adams, swallowing it whole, before walking towards the heap of bodies.

My body was passed along with others, throughout the vast sea of sweaty bodies.

Where all your darkest fears...

I opened my eyes to see two men shuffling towards me, making contact with my waist, latching onto me, through the flashing lights.

Come true.

The two grinded against me, causing me to create desperate friction.

My hips rolled against theirs. One in front of me, one behind me. Suddenly, something kicked in and all of a sudden my lips found themselves upon the boy in front of me, the boy behind me attaching his to my neck, tenderly.

I moaned against the messy excuse for a kiss, and felt a slight rise of heat below my waist.

I had no fucking idea what was happening, my mind clouded by the sweat and aroma of drugs in the crowded room.

I couldn't contain myself any longer, as I let my body swing more with the music, now changed to an upbeat sexual song.

Under ground, making love to the dead.

The music rang throughout the room, people moving like a messy and uncontrolled wave.

The two behind and in front of me, caused the heat to grow, in a satisfyingly pleasurable way.

I triggered another moan, posing myself, as afore mentioned.

The boy behind me bit down harshly, causing me to let out a loud moan, but unidentifiable due to the loud music.

On the floor. Gimme more.

The one in front of me, which was considerably tall, snaked hair hands down my front, stopping at the brim of my hips, rocking with them.

I tilted my head behind me, somewhat acknowledging the other boy, who was a slight bit taller than me.

I groaned and I let myself move with their movements. Put of breath, my mouth agape. I tried to breath but the only oxygen being received from me was the metaphorical air that is said to be passed by kissing.

I couldn't help but trace my fingers along the boy in front of me. His arms notably toned and crafted. I leaned forward, nipping at his neck, teasingly.

I heard a groan from above me, and his fingers intertwined themselves within my locks of hair.

I had no idea if this was healthy or not, but I'm sure that you'd be doing the same thing, if you had just broken off a relationship that was toxic.

Sad thing is. That's the last thought I can recall from that night. Well at least a reasonable thought. All the rest was blurred by the sweaty pleasure, and drugged aroma.

My senses drowned.

And so did what was left of my innocence.

Young and foolish.

But afterall, said is done. My respected and rational thoughts, were, irresponsibly, forgotten.

I like this AU because not of pot of people mention clubs and etc. So yeah, and if you're wondering what the hell I'm doing at 5:30 in the morning, I've been pulling all nighters all week. Yay me. I need food.

So bye, and thanks for reading, also I need suggestions, perhaps you have some?


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