Alex in The Bathroom

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Alex POV:

Somebody help me.

I can't think. My mind is racing. I hate everything about myself. My glasses. My slight stubble. Even my stupid brown hair.

I was about to swallow twenty-three pills, pain killers to be precise, and be over with life. I'm tired of it. I want to join my mother and brother in death.

Help me.

I looked in the mirror. I broke it with my fist, now bloody. Tears streaming down my face. I'm too much of a coward to die, I won't even let myself die. How pathetic.

The bell rings. I better hurry up. I swallow about seven at once. Nearly choking to get them down my throat.

"Yo, I gotta use the restroom," I hear somebody walk in. I freeze. Everything is fuzzy. I see his face, partially. I swallow the rest of the pills before I could even see him rush towards me.

"OH MY GOD!"he screams as he rushes to my side. A stenage liquid escapes my mouth as I cough, and hallucinate.

"SOMEBODY HELP ME!" the boy cries. I'm knocked out cold.

Third Person POV:

Alex lies lifelessy on the bathroom floors, as the boy rushes to his side. Soon, a teacher, and another, spill into the room, and immediately call 911, and hoist Alex up. The paramedics arrive and put Alex on the stretcher.

"What's your name?"a paramedic asks as he is hoisted in the ambulance.

"John, John Laurens," I say.
John POV:

I walked into the restroom, I saw a boy in front of a shattered mirror, and he swallowed at least 20 pills. I panic.

"OH MY GOD!" I say as I rush to his side. He sourts out foam as he coughs. The mixture of red and white, blend as they drip from his mouth. I try to shake him, but it's to no avail.

"SOMEBODY HELP ME!" I cry as he passes out. I don't see him breathing. I check his pulse. Nothing. I feel hile rise.

Two teachers come to me, and hoist him up, calling 911. I just witnessed a suicide.

The paramedics arrive and hoist him on the stretcher. I hug myself, still scared by the scene.

"What's your name?" A paramedic asks.

"John, John Laurens," I answer as I step into the ambulance. I sit by the boy. He looks familiar. Never saw him talk. Wonder why he did that.

"You saw it, young man?" The paramedic asks me. I nod, hesitantly.

"Tell me, so we can get a good lead on why he did this," she asks.

"I walked into the bathroom...and...he was in front of a broken mirror, with at least two dozen pills and he swallowed..them..all. Foam was spilling out of his mouth, and... I panicked," I said. She puts her hand on my shoulder comfortingly. I smiled weakly.

I got a text from Herc and Laf.

JerkHerc: Hey, what the hell happened???

Baguette Galore- Oui, what happened, Mon Ami??

Turtlerevolution: Some boy tried to kill himself, and I saw it, and I panicked, we're on the way to the hospital rn, he doesn't look so good......

Baguette Galore- omfg...I hope he's okay, who is he?

JerkHerc: ^^

Turtlerevolution: I think his name's Alex, the quiet kid with glasses...the one I've had an eye on y'know...

Baguette Galore-😏

JerkHerc: not the time bae


I turned my phone off, and laughed at their antics, then I realized I'm in an ambulance with a dead or maybe not guy. Oh jeez.

We got to the hospital and they took Alex into the ER, quite hastioyz I couldn't really comprehend what was happening. They took me to the waiting room, and questioed me.

"Did you know him?"

"No, not really, I just saw him around school, is all,"I say, fidgeting.

"Mhm, what's his name?"

"Alex , I think, he doesn't talk much. In fact, nobody's ever seen him talk," I ponder in my memory for a scene of where he was actually talking.

"Is he mute?"

"Mhm, I guess," I answer.

"How old are you?"


"What grade are you in?"


"And him?"

"I think he's in my E.L.A class, and he looks young, maybe 15?" I answer, more like a question.

The interviewer said 'okay' and then left me in the waiting room, for a moment. I wondered about what was happening, why did he do that? I know I just met him, barely, but there is something about him, that sends a weird feeling through me.

"John?" A doctor asked, taking me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah?" I say, trying to seem calm.

"Well, you are a hero," she mutters while searching through her clipboard. I furrow my brows in confusion.

"How so?" I ask, curious.

"If you hadn't have come in that bathroom earlier, he would've died," she says proudly.

"I saved his life?" I asked slowly. She nods with a hum.

"Can I see him?" I ask. She nods again.

"You saved him after all, I don't see why not?" She asked with slight humor in her voice. I smiled. She led me to his room, and I hesitantly walked in.

"Alex? This is the boy who found you," the nurse says, while fidgeting with the tubes.

"Hey," I say meekly.

"Thank you," he signs. Ah, so he is mute. Good thing I know sign language.

"You're...welcome," I say, with a smile, friendly nonetheless.

"Your name is John, right?" He asks, signing of course.

I nod. "Your Alex right?" I ask. He nods. I smile again. He seems nice. And sweet. And cute. Those glasses look so-

Dammit John,stop being gay, your father'll have your ass.

"Well, we're friends right?" I ask.

He nods. 'Yeah'. I smiled.

Part 2?

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