Soul Mates : The Red

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The blood pours down my red wrist. The blood forms a shape. I recognize the shape. It's the shape of a man, who I was supposedly in love with.

I clench my wrist, as I try to force the image out of my head. I cut over the face. The blood is oddly satisfying, and smells of salt and iron.

I hear a voice, calling my name. I turn to see my mother. She was in a red dress, blood stained. I stared at her in horror. She was eyeless, and her lips were as pale as when I last saw her. When I last saw her, she was in a casket, burning.

"Alex," she whispered.

"Alex," she said louder.

"Alex!" she screamed.

"ALEX!" a voice yelled as I open my eyes. Yet another horrifying dream, and many more to go with it, folks!


The first sight I see is Thomas. He is shaking me awake. I am relieved to see his face. Handsome, boy, does he know it.

I let out a sob as I latch onto his shirt. He hugs me tightly, and wraps his arms around me, cradling me.

"What was it hun?" He asked, his Virginian accent showing.

"It was another dream," I muttered. " But it seemed so real. All I could see was the red.,"  I trailed off the word red as I spaced out.

I was knocked back into reality when Thomas shook me. I regained attention, and cried into his shoulder.

"Shh, its okay, baby, its not real," he crooned as he rocked me back and forth. How I wanted to believe him, but my brain, being a stubborn fella, wouldn't allow it. It was as if it punished me.

"I love you so much," I muttered into his shirt.

"I love you so much, too, My beautiful soulmate," he said, purposely saying 'My beautiful soulmate ' with his sweet accent. I smiled into his shirt, but something told me he knew about it, because he chuckled and played with my hair.

"As long as you're here, my dreams will be the only bad thing in my life," I say looking in his eyes.

"Ditto," he laughed. I returned the gesture, and closed my eyes as we snuggled. I had another dream, but this time is wasn't bad or scary.

It was just how it should be, about Thomas and I.

Nothing to say, BC nobody is literally reading BC I have written four books, and counting, and I have no readers, so I am doing this as a sorta vent thing.

-Love-Lams 💖

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