Complicated and Misunderstood

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Alex POV:

Nobody gets me. Instead, they taunt and mock me, for my differences.

It's unfair.

It's cruel.

Just because I have one blue-violet eye, and one green, they bully me.

Just because I can see things nobody else can.

Just because I have long, brown hair, like a girl, they taunt me.

Words aren't supposed to her, then why do they?

What's your problem, everyone asks me. When the question what's wrong with them?

Everybody is stupid, and uncaring, and just, cruel. So somebody has to tech them a lesson. And if that person has to be me, then, I will.

I take out a hand-held pistol, outside if my very school, on a Tuesday. Nothing's worth living for anymore.

I throw my black hoodie on, slip the hood on, and aim for a window.

I pull the trigger, and watch the glass shatter, and hear the blaring alarm from the school. I shoot, rapidly, the entire left wing of my small High school, watching the glass break, and the students panic.

I aim at another window, when I look inside it, and I see Thomas, my ex, I hesitated to pull the trigger, again. Then just as I was going to, somebody tackled me.

"What the hell?!" I shriek.

It was a boy, with a bandana, curly black hair, and chocolate skin. He looked at me and tried to grab the gun.

I slipped from his hold, and pointed it at him.

"Don't take another step, or else I will shoot, it's all your fault, all their FAULT, if they wouldn't have treated me like SHIT my entire life, then this wouldn't have happened, don't try me.." I warned, him taking a cautiously step towards me.

"Alex... Calm down.." he says.

"How the FUCK do you know my name?" I demand of him.

He pulls his wallet out, and opens it showing me a blurry picture.

"What's that supposed to be?" I ask, gesturing my gun to the picture.

"It's all of your friends..."

"I have no friends, they all died in a fire a few years ago, started by me..." I deny him. He shakes his head.

"No, you escaped and we did too, you blacked out and forgot the last five years of your life... The doctors told us to stay away from you, until your memory came back, but I can't let you do this..." He explains. I lower the gun, from his head. And my eyes go wide, my lips part, causing my breath to hitch.

"B-but they told me, my friends died...?" I asked, tears threatening to fall.

"They lied to keep you safe, like your eyes, one of them is blue-violet, the other green... That's because the chemicals in the fire almost blinded you.." he explained, once more.

No. They all lied to me. I've been lied to for three years?!

I almost instinctively press the gun to my temple, and bite my lip.

"ALEX! NO!" The boy screams. I look around me, the alarm being hazed out, my ears ringing. I can feel the heat besting down on me. My emotions threatening to pull that damn trigger.

"Don't do it..." A voice from behind me says to me. I turn around, in almost soon motion, and I see a face, oddly familiar. Freckles , brown dlcurly hair, one green eye, one hazel eye.

"J-John.." I breathe.

Suddenly all the memories flood back into me, like a bullet, the fire, my mom, my dad, my brother, my cousin, my friends, my boyfriend...

"Alex!" I hear somebody yell after me.

I look towards the fire, and see my friends getting swallowed by the flames. I scream no, and black out. I hear one word before I totally black out.

"Alex, don't leave us..."

"Alex don't leave us... We've missed you.." John says.

I drop the gun, to the ground, the clinging noise of the metal, hitting the concrete like a bell being rung.

"H-Herc... L-L-Laf... And John...?" I ask in tears.

"Yeah, buddy, it's us..." Herc says, placing his hand on his chest.

I smile lightly, and take my hood off. Turning towards John.

"Johnny?" I ask, crying, almost happily. He nods and smiles. I run up to him, hugging him, and it's all seems to get better. The memories flooding back in, my small frame being held by John.

Then, I wake up.

And he's not there.

I'm in a coffin.

My friends looking at me, sadly, John crying into Laf's shoulder. I look at myself, and the last memory comes in.

I shot myself.

Part Two?

I had this idea, and went with it, it's very interesting, somehow, and I like it. Tell me what you think.

Request Ships!
And Follow Me Please!

-Love-Lams 😘😘😘

Also, if you're into Phan, check out my Phan One-Shot book!!!

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