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Peter Parkbench came online

Peter Parkbench (Parker)
i fucked up

Harry Styles came online

Harry Styles
Well, hello to you too, old friend.

What's up?

Peter Parkbench
you know that guy i'm into

Harry Styles
Yes. Karter, right?

Peter Parkbench
yeah so we were
at my place after
he got caught up in the
superhero fight downtown
and then my binder started
hurting and i snapped at
him and he's not
answering my texts or
calls help me

Harry Styles
Well that is a predicament.
Never fear, Harry is here.

I should be a superhero.

Anyway, I'm sure he
understand what you're
going through, but he
may just need
some space. He does
know about
everything, right?

Peter Parkbench
define everything

bc the gender thing he does

he doesn't know about ben

Harry Styles
Are you going to
tell him at some point?

Peter Parkbench
i mean i guess

i kinda have to ya know

Harry Styles
Not really, but it
would be wise.

Imagine if he kept
something big from you,
would you be angry with him?
Even more so if you've
just had a fight, albeit a
small one? It could
smash the small cracks
appearing in your relationship.

Peter Parkbench
we're cracking??????

fuck fuck fuck

Read 20:47



Harry Styles
Sorry, my father called me,
as I was saying, you'd
be hurt. You need to
tell him the truth,
the whole truth,
and nothing but the truth.

Peter Parkbench
Harry, dude, i love you
but bro don't politics me


Harry Styles
I didn't 'politics you',
I gave you some advice.

Act on it, delete it,
laugh at it, whatever.
But remember, walk a mile
in someone else's shoes
and you may regret throwing
rocks in their path.

Peter Parker
i have never heard that

i mean I got the first part

but throwing rocks in
their path????

that shit seems dangerous

Harry Styles
You're hopeless.

Have fun wooing Karter.
You're not referencing vines,
so you must have seriously
messed up and feel guilt.
He will come around eventually,
but telling him now will save you further pain.

Adieu, my friend.

Peter Parker
i both hate and love you

peace out broski

Harry Styles
God, you're so cringe.

Harry Styles went offline

Peter Parkbench went offline

Can y'all tell me if you hate this bc I was trying something new (format wise, like the chapter names) and this idea came into my head.

Also how regular do you want updates to be? Every other day or every two days bc I have a ton saved up. Let me know x

- N A N C Y

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