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Guys, gals, and nonbinary pals (and everything in between),


First of all, I'd like to thank everyone who reads and comments and votes, I see all of you and I appreciate it very much! Some comments genuinely make my day and make me laugh. Feedback is highly appreciated, so any thing correcting me or giving me insight to what I've done wrong it could do better is also ver appreciated.

Secondly, I'd also like to thank everyone reading this right now (yeah, that's including you) for, well, reading this! 10k reads is insane and I never in a million years thought it would get to this! It's crazy that some people enjoy to read my cliché three am updates? I'd also like to extend the invitation to EVERYONE reading this to slide into my PMs and give me any suggestions/things you'd like to see/head cannons which I could incorporate into this book.

I cannot thank you enough, so I'm going to leave it a this I guess...


- N A N C Y

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