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This chapter contains strong language, purely because when you meet a celebrity your brain goes "WTF" and I tried to replicate that in this chapter. It's also hella long to make up for my forty years of no updates.

"Um..." Peter said, the only thing he could get out. He was so so so fucked. Sure, he was overjoyed that his childhood hero was standing in his living room, but what the fuck? Was this Karter's doing? "What- What are you doing...? Hey! Uh, I'm-I'm-I'm Peter."

"Tony." Tony Stark responded. May wa smiling, and so was Peter, but his mind was spiralling and if a telepath were to read his mind, they'd most likely be deafened by the intense screaming resonating around his head.

"What are... What are you - What are you - What are you doing here?" Peter didn't stutter. He only stuttered around Karter. Sure, he had a celebrity crush on Tony when he was like 12, but he was pretty sure it wasn't still around. So why the hell was he so nervous? His senses told him something was wrong.

"It's about time we met." Tony said, and Peter internally died. "You've been getting my emails, right?" Peter had not, in fact, received any emails from Tony. So, of course, Peter did the sensible thing and -

"Yeah. Yeah." Peter said, mentally slapping himself. That was not what he meant to say.

"Right?" Tony made a face, and Peter froze. Ah shit, something was about to go dreadfully wrong.

"Regarding the..." Peter said, trying to understand what the ever loving fuck was going on. May, however, was being amazing and couldn't tell Peter had no clue what was happening.

"You didn't tell me about the grant." May said, and Peter nodded, screeching internally. Tony held back a laugh, and Peter just smiled at his aunt.

"About the grant." He said, nodding, as if deep in thought. He felt that if Ned saw him, the other boy would be dying with laughter. He made a mental note to hang out with Ned more, suddenly feeling bad for shrugging him off to hang with Karter.

"The September Foundation." Tony said, which had no effect on Peter. He had no clue what The September Foundation was, but he just nodded and muttered a quick 'right'. "Yeah. Remember when you applied?" No, Peter didn't. So he did the sensible thing again and -

"Yeah." Peter said. Instead of screaming at Tony, his brain now screamed at him. What the fuck was he doing?

"I approved, so now we're in business." What did Tony approve? Business? What, why, when, how? Peter had so many questions, but May was there and so Peter couldn't really ask anything that would give him away.

"You didn't tell me anything." May said, and Peter he'd back a snarky comment. "What's up with that? You keeping secrets from me now?" What Peter wanted to say was 'it was so secret even I didn't know I applied', but his better judgement shut him up.

"Why, I just, I just... I just know how much you love surprises," Peter said, envisioning Karter scoffing at him. "So I thought I would let you know... wh... Anyway, what did I apply for?" And he'd fucked it up. Or not, May seemed oblivious.

"That's what I'm here to hash out." Tony said, and Peter nodded, mumbling a bunch of words that were incoherent. "It's so hard for me to believe that she's someone's aunt." That was a weird thing to say, Peter thought.

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