A/N - ending

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No, this book is not ending. Yet. There's still a few chapters left.

Okay yes, this book is ending at the end of act three but that's fine. Fine.

That's not the point. The point is how should this book end.

The original ending is angst and heart breaking and sad, but my writing has revolved and I'm not sure I want that any more. So, dear readers, the choice is yours. Should this book have a happy ending, sad ending, or a bitter sweet ending? Comment in the one you think:

Semi-typical ending with all loose ends tied up. Miss a few plot points and a spin off will occur with hella angst.

Original ending. Sad, angsty, might be filled with major character deaths. Spin off with happy ending.

Happy ending for one, sad for the rest. Happy spin off with positive tones in the main story.

^ the one with the most comments is the one I'll publish.

- tommy

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