ACT I, SCENE XI * This Kiss

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Karter had texted Peter an apology, but Peter had ignored it. He could feel something bad had happened, but after his third anxiety attack, May insisted he get some sleep. He didn't know how he did it, but Peter eventually drifted off to sleep.

And then he sat up with a start, unsure why he was awoken when his alarm wasn't going off and it was still dark outside. Then came the knocks. Peter looked to his right, and saw a figure in the dark. It was Derek, knocking on his window and asking if he could come in. Peter opened the window and Derek crawled in. The two sat opposite each other in silence for a few moments, before Derek hung his head.

"So Ronan broke up with me." Derek said, a slight frown on his face. Peter tilted his head in confusion at the sudden split, but couldn't find the words to question it. "She said we just weren't compatible, and we had different visions of where we wanted to go, so." He shrugged. "What can you do? I have to respect her decision. I hate it, it's stupid, but I'm not going to harass her over it."

"Noice. Smort." Peter said, awkwardly, quoting Brooklyn Nine-Nine in a futile attempt to diffuse the situation. "Right, not the time."

"Did I do something wrong?" Derek asked, looking up at Peter and fiddling with the blanket. "Was I spending too much time with other people, or was she right? I feel terrible, did I hurt her in anyway? Oh god, if I hurt her I'll never forgive myself." Peter had grown use to the soft side of the supposed asshole, so his words didn't really surprise him.

"No matter what Everyone says," Peter began, smiling at Derek. "Not even Ronan knows everything. She might've seen a different plant for you two from what you saw, and there's nothing wrong with that." Peter patted Dereks leg, and shook his head. "You're a great guy, I'm sure you'll find someone else. And hey, if you love Ronan, the best thing is to let her be happy. That's what you'd want her to do for you, right?"

"Damn, Parker." Derek said, a sad smile crossing his face. "You give good advice. Karter really hit the jackpot." Peters smile dropped, but he covered it with a cough.

"Yeah, me and Karter aren't in the best place right now." Peter said, ignoring his clear grammatical error. Derek made a quick 'O' with his mouth, and nodded. The two sat in a confortable silence, both wallowing in self pity about their relationships. Everything seemed distorted and weird, so when Derek collided their lips together, Peter took a second to react.

The first thing that came to mind was Karter; he was betraying him. The next thing he though was 'screw Karter', and he justified that technically, he wasn't 100% with Karter. So, when Peter kissed back, it took a full minute and a half for either of them to question whether it was wrong. Derek pulled away first, his eyes slightly wide.

"I'm so sorry, I-" Derek began, but he stopped his sentence. "I should go." Derek crawled back out the window, and Peter followed him halfway.

"Damnit, Derek." Peter whispered. "where are you going?"

"You're with Karter," Derek whisper shouted back, preparing to climb down the fire escape. "I'm straight, I think, and we're both hurting. We shouldn't be doing this." Peter sighed in annoyance. Not at Derek, but at himself.

"Well, I guess I can't stop you?" Peter said, although it sounded more like a question. The two locked eyes for a moment, before Derek turned to descend and was gone from sight. Peter flopped back onto his bed and ran his hands through his hair. He'd made a huge mistake, and there was no turning away from it. He cursed under his breath and silently apologised to Karter.

It seem fitting that they'd both betrayed each other.

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