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I cant believe she wouldnt let me go to the movies with Rashad this weekend. she is being such a bitch! Its the last time we can be together before he goes off to California to live with his grandparents this summer. my mom can be such a pain. Okay to be fair I wouldnt have let my just turn 16 years old daughter go out with her boyfriend, especially after I caught her clearly heading to second base with her boyfriend last weekend. But I wasn't going to let it get too far. I have no intention of letting Rashad pop  my cherry .... well not that night anyways...I had plans of waiting for graduation night. I mean I wasn't trying to be a virgin in college, But all my plans seem to go to shit, Rashad is leaving and I can't do nothing to change that.

Rashad and I had been going out all high school. We were known as the "it" couple. All the guys wanted to be him. He was the all-star jock, with multiple colleagues already scouting him, with talks of him most likely heading to the NFL. Plus his fine as hell!
Rashad is 6'2 with a big build and it's all muscle. He has this rich mocha chocolate skin, short cut hair which have waves for days. But his best feature must be his eyes, there this big rich deep honey brown color. When he look at me it seems as if his looking into my soul. He can be the sweetest person, Not only to the people he love but to everyone. That's one of the reasons why his so popular, he's just a genuine good guy.

And no Cap all the girls wanted to be me. I went viral a couple of times for my spoken word YouTube channel. So now I'm this big YouTube star in my school. I'm really into acting and songwriting, I actually played the leading role in a lot of the school plays. Plus, I'm beautiful I stand at 5'3 nice brown caramel skin with a banging ass body. We were all set to have the best senior year.

But lately it seems that Rashad been acting funny. I mean his been hanging with this new group of friends that got him doing all type of dumb shit. His high all the time and have been barely going to school. It's okay to skip a class or two but it seems now he barely come to school at all. Coach Thomas has end up calling his mom and putting her up on game. I'm not sure what she ends up finding out recently, but whatever he did now must have been crazy, cause now she trying to have him move to Cali with his grandparents.

Every-time I try to talk to him about it he gets mad as hell and shut down. I don't know what to do because I don't want to lose him. Especially when senior year is right around the corner. I already felt like we had a timer on our relationship. I mean before all these changes his been doing, Rashad has been really trying to get a scholarship to Texas A&M, his dream school. But I've always wanted to go to Howard. I knew that when it came to college we were clearly going in different directions. Now we are getting pulled apart because of his dumb ass! I'm just laying down in my room thinking about all this shit when my phone rings.

Hey bitch!!!! -Darlene

It must to be Darlene ghetto ass. That's one of my best friends. We've known each other since elementary and she just always been the outgoing crazy one. Quick to laugh and beat a bitch up lol

Hey what's up -Ocean

You didn't hear that David them got an Airb&b and having this big pool party. You trying to go? -Darlene

No, I just got into it with my mom the other day. Not sure if I can even step out on the porch. -Ocean

Well I was just watching Rashad IG story and he look like he is having a good ole time.... -Darlene

Say less -Ocean

Girl you so funny. -Darlene

Definitely finding a way there he got me mess up -Ocean

Okay I'm come get you...see you in like 20 mins -Darlene

Like who the hell Rashad think he is going to one of David's parties. Everyone knows that those parties be a free for all, and these girls be looking for any reason to try to take my man. When I get there, I'm give him an ear full.

I start to get ready...it's getting dark, so I know no body heading to the party wearing a bathing suit. I grab my brown biker shorts and tan oversized boyfriend shirt and match it with my tan yeezy shoes. I jump to the bathroom and fix my hair. I hate my natural hair,it's usually a big curly mess. I don't have much time to try to style it. I just put it all in a ponytail, with baby hair of course, and add some small touch up makeup to my face. I guess I'm going for simple but cute tonight. I'm done just in time because I hear my phone go off. I know it's Darlene telling me she outside. I lock my room door and grab my purse and sneak out the window.

************************************************* So this my first time uploading any of my story's and I just wanted to give you guys a big thank you for reading. I would love feedback and please vote!!!!! Thank you 😊

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