Fool of Me

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Chapter 10

I feel so stupid, so dumb!

I laid down my fears and gave you a big part of me that I can never get back. I thought giving you this will make us one, take our relationship to a new level. But You throw it in my face, turn something that I thought was beautiful into this dark shameful thing. Without Mrs. Morris there I would have fell to the ground, it felt like a physical blow. I instantly went into depression because I knew that there's no way, I can ever forgive you for this. You made your choice and it wasn't me. I look up and see Mrs. Morris giving me a pity look that really gave me my confirmation I need to let go. And that's what I did I let go of Mrs. Morris and walked away from all this bullshit.

I walked a couple blocks down and stop to think about how I'm going to get home. I don't really want anyone to see me like this, but I know I can't walk all the way there. Then I remember I was supposed to meet with Luca later today anyways, so I might as well call him to come get me.

Hey um...can you come get me- Ocean (holding back my tears because I don't want him to hear how upset I am)

Yeah sure, where you at? -Luca

I'm send you my location-Ocean (texting him my location)

Ok good? - Luca

Yeah, I just need a ride-Ocean

Ok I'll be there in like 10min -Luca

While I wait for Luca to pull up, I tried fixing myself up and wiping my tears away. I think he heard the pain in my voice over the phone but I really don't want him to see me crying and force me to talk about Rashad, I need a min to get myself together and answering questions is just going to make me more upset. True to his word Luca pulled up to me in a couple mins. I see his black Nissan maxima down the block, so I get up from the sidewalk. He pulls up and I jump in the passenger side of his car. Before he pulls off, he turns and look me in my eyes, I can see he wants to ask me questions, but he doesn't. He grabs my hand and kiss the back of it.

Let's go get some ice cream or something-Luca

Yeah okay-Ocean (feeling touch)

While Luca drives to cold stones he never lets go my hand which makes me want to cry. Luca is so sweet to me and reminds me of how Rashad used to be the good ole days. But I try so hard not to think about Rashad and our good days or bad, but it seems like that's the only thing that keeps popping up in my mind. Even after our night he still picks to deal with Salt which feel like a major slap to my face. Then he had the nerve to say all those hurtful things to me when all I was trying to do is help him. Well I'm done for real, no more chances. We pull up to cold stones and walked in. I order cookie dough ice cream in a waffle cone with cookie toppings. Luca order Strawberry Ice Cream with Yellow Cake and Whipped Topping on a waffle cone. We take a seat in one of the booths and just take a second to enjoy our ice creams, but I knew the questions was going to come and they did.

So... what went down today that had you in everything ok-Luca

Yeah...I'm okay...just got into it with Rashad-Ocean

I figured that I owe him some type of explanation because he came to get me, plus Luca haven't been pushy and gave me some time to deal. He didn't drill me down with questions in the car which I appreciate.

He didn't put his hand on you did he-Luca (mad)

No not like that...we just ended things I guess-Ocean

That's fuck up...-Luca

Yeah it is but I feel like it was coming to this anyways I Just was fighting for us to stay together but he didn't give a fuck clearly-Ocean (getting mad)

You can't be the only one fighting for your relationship if he doesn't show that he cares then it sounds like ending things is what is best for you-Luca

Yeah, your right but it just hurt you know because we've been together for a long time-Ocean (getting tearful)

Yeah, I feel you-Luca

Luca changed the subject and tried making me feel better by telling me all the stupid pranks his roommates and him play on each other, which made me laugh a little. We finished our ice creams and jump back in the car. On our way to my house Luca held my hand the whole time like before, which really makes me feel better. We pull up to my house and I don't see my mom car in the driveway. I was hoping she was home so I can talk to her. My mom is my person whenever I need to vent or to cry on a shoulder. Just thinking about bring alone has me anxious cause I know am just going to think about Rashad the whole time.

You good? -Luca

Yeah...youre a good friend to me...thank you-Ocean

No problem baby you know I got love for you, you can call me whenever and I'm be there-Luca

Youre so sweet-Ocean (leaning into a hug with Luca)

Luca gives me a long warm hug which feel like heaven. I'm so happy that I called him to pick me up cause my other friends would just want to get the tea right now and that's not what I'm in the mood for. Luca really cares about my feelings and how I'm doing. We slowly pull apart and Luca looks me in the eyes. I can see all the emotions in his, see that he really has feelings for me, and it makes me feel special. Luca crashes his lips to mine, and I had no other choice but to kiss him back. It felt like a tidal wave that I was riding out, he just consumed me. His big soft lips taste so good, like the strawberry ice cream he was eating. He grabs my face and takes the kiss even deeper, like his trying to pull my soul out my body . Finally he pulls back, so we can catch our breath, all I can't hear is our heavy breathing I mind is completely blank I don't know what to think or how I feel...

Youre so beautiful inside and out Ocean and he's stupid for letting you go-Luca

*************************************************So I finally updated 🙄 I know I been promising to update for a week now lol. Hope you all love this chapter all team Luca fans😉 please vote and leave comments, let me know how you feel

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