A Party

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Chapter 2

You look cute -Darlene

Thank you girl, you look good too -Ocean

Darlene did look good she had on some shorts jeans and this crop top.

I didn't hear nothing earlier about David having a party today- Ocean

Yeah it was some last min thing, when I spoke to him earlier he said his older brother had got it and was letting him throw a party tonight -Darlene

Didn't know Salt was that cool -Ocean

Salt just wants a reason to hang with these lose ass underage girls -Darlene

(Both girls stop and look at each other then laugh out loud)

That sounds about right..I said while thinking about how crazy the party might be already. Having Salt there just took it to the next level. Salt, David older brother is sort of the alfa bad boy drug dealer in our neighborhood. Whenever Salt is in the building something Seem to go wrong. I hope I can just find Rashad and cuss his ass out. We had plans tonight and he couldn't wait to just ditch me and go to this party with his friends. It doesn't take us long to pull up and it looks just as how I predict it. Cars lined up and a lot of people posted up in the front lawn. While we pass some cars we can clearly small weed in the air. Before we can even go through the door I can hear meg the stallion blasting through the speakers. First thing I see when I walk through the door is thirst buckets twerking all over, just laying it all out wishing one of Salt drug dealer friends can come and play caption save a hoe. So sad!

I start to push myself through the crowd. I can hear someone calling out my name but I'm on a mission. But then someone grab me with a firm grip. I look back and it's Salt.

Funny seeing you here. I thought your mom had you on a short leash. -Salt

Got who on a short leash, boy bye -Ocean

I yank my arm out of his hold and walk on, I do look back and Salt still looking at me with a stupid smirk. I need to hurry and find Rashad and get the hell out of here. I'm starting to get a bad feeling.

I'm about to head to the back and look for him there when  I see that Darlene and David has found each other and is all boo up by the bar. 

I finally get through the glass door that leads to the pool area and  it's worst then inside. Most of the girls are close to half naked by the pool and of course that's where I would find Rashad. He looks to be barely cautious in the hot tub with two girls all over him.

What the fuck Rashad!I scream while walking up to him.

Baby -Rashad

What the fuck you doing ! you really got me mess up if you think you can try me like this -Ocean

What you talking about baby it's a party -Rashad

A party that you ditch me for -Ocean

Yeah I only ditch you cause your mom was tripping- Rashad

Dont lie to me. You had every intention of coming here. We was supposed to catch a movie and talk after - Ocean

Well I'm tired of just talking -Rashad

What does that mean? -Ocean

Sometimes a guy need more then conversation...


More then conversation? -Ocean

Yeah sometimes a nigga needs to get his dick wet Rashad said with a little chuckle. That's when I look to the side and see that his two little thots is laughing too. This boy really got me looking and feeling like a whole joke. I'm done with his bull shit. I go to walk away but I don't get to far cause Rashad jumps out of the hot tub to stop me. I can tell that he barley can stand straight.

Your really high Rashad -Ocean

I'm just trying to have a little fun ocean, don't go.  I was just trying to be funny I meant the pool, stay with me, we can chill! -Rashad

Rashad what got into you, your an athlete you can't have drugs in your system - Ocean

your worst then my mom sometimes Ocean let's just have fun take this pill with me -Rashad

Just as I fix my month to say fuck No I can hear gun shots. Everyone start to panic and run in every direction. Rashad grabs me and we make our way to the front hopefully to his car to get the hell out of here. But he suddenly stops.

Stay here I have to look for Salt -Rashad

What the fuck for Rashad let's get out of here -Ocean

Baby I just got to handle something Rashad says was he runs towards the stairs looking around. I go and hide behind the couch praying he hurry and come back. I look out to see if I can see him still and I see that he finds Salt but it looks like Salt is passing him a gun. I'm so confused and feeling like this must be a dream. When did Rashad and Salt get so close and why the hell is Salt giving him a gun. At this point I'm so done with Rashad I don't know what he got his self into but I know now it's straight fuck shit if his dealing with salt. I get up and run out the house looking for where Darlene parked.

*************************************************Thank you for reading 😃 I was thinking I want to upload a chapter every Wednesday or Friday. And Im also going back and editing because I like to write on my phone but I need to edit on my laptop.But give me feedback about the book and please vote! vote! vote! Vote! Vote! Vote!

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