The End

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Chapter 15

I cannot believe it comes down to this Rashad has a gun pointed at Luca and I honestly believe he have all intention on shooting him. I thought I knew Rashad but clearly, he is just another gangster now just selfish and willing to cause others pain. All I know is that I cannot let Rashad hurt Luca especially when it is all my fault. Luca been there for me when I needed help the most, a shoulder to cry on when I have been going through the pain of me and Rashad breakup. But now he may be hurt just for catching feelings for me after I have given him mix signals the last time, we were together. This is all too confusing; I do not know why Rashad now wants to mark his claim on me when I know for sure he has been messing around talking to a brunch of girls. All I was seeing down my timeline on IG is him going wild this summer living his best life. As for me I was home nursing a broken heart. Now he wants to make it seem like he cares. Well I do not, it is a little too late to try to claim my love back.

Stop Rashad you can't hurt him, he has nothing to do with this-Ocean (running to Rashad desperately trying for him to put the gun down, but he seem determined and have the gun train to Luca)

Yes, he is the reason your tripping, not wanting to get together again-Rashad (looking at Ocean with sadness)

What! His not the reason you are. Look at you look at what you are doing you turn into this new person and expect me to still love you. You are not the person I fell in love with and shooting Luca will not change that-Ocean (angry and frustrated because Rashad still have the gun up)

Baby I love you-Rashad

No, you do not, I gave you the choice to pick me repeatedly instead you picked this Stupid gang life shit -Ocean

Why I cannot have both dont you see that what I am doing is better for us both. We can have it all Money, cars, designer clothes....all for you. You will not have to ever worry about money and you will not have to be in school for four years to get it -Rashad

No, it is better for you and your drug problem not for me-Ocean

I do not have a drug problem I am tired of you saying that shit-Rashad (angry)

Yeah well, I am tired of this whole situation, let us go Rashad-Ocean (Ocean walking in front of Luca blocking Rashad shot)

Ocean, I do not want you to get hurt, run away and I will deal with this -Luca

No, I cannot, you been there for me always trying to heal my pains well it is time for me to be there for you I will not abandon you again-Ocean

Ocean you just going to pick this nigga over me we have been together since freshman year-Rashad

Clearly that is about to change because I refuse to spend senior year with you-ocean


A shot went off.

What happens next shock everyone and change everything for me. After that day I can honestly say that I know who loves me and I will never mistake affection as love anymore. I grow up a lot that summer and I believe I needed that to show me how much more important things are then appearances and senior year. I mean I did still win prom queen and I was able to enjoy all the memorable events that people think back about high school. But because of that day I was able to enjoy it without all the added pressure that I felt before. I was no longer apart of the golden couple. I was able to be me and now know that is enough. I still have my friends and some of us are closer than ever but the relationship I had with Darlene was never the same. I guess we just wanted different things and saw our future differently. Darlene did not see college as a good choice for her future and when me and the others would get excited about college, she would get frustrated. I think she plans on opening a boutique with all the cash David was giving her. But me Stacy and Angel all are going to Howard our dream school and we plan on getting a dorm room together.

My high school experience is over, and I cannot be happier. I still think about Rashad and the good times we had before. Last I heard his doing well in LA with his grandparents. I even heard he might be going to California university. I am happy that everything worked out for him. After the party Rashad had to face the consequences of his actions. I know he was fighting his charges for majority of the school year and by the grace of god and because this was his first charge the judge gave him a second chance and charge him with mostly probation. The last day of his case he called me and apologized about his actions and the way he treated me that summer. I was able to forgive him because I did not want to hold on to any hate or ill feelings for anyone. Especially for someone that clearly wants to make amends and was such a big part of my life. I know that night was harder on him then it was for me. That night the police raided the party and arrested everyone they thought was a part of the black kings. One boy that was mistaking as a gang member was even shoot by the police. I heard Salt is facing 10 to 20 years if his convicted of all the charges. David was already sentenced to do 8 years in prison. This is what I was trying so hard to have Rashad see that the gang life has nothing but bad outcomes. Hopefully, he makes better choices with his life from now on.

As for me I have a great future ahead of me with the love of my life here in Miami. Me and Luca finally got together toward the end of my senior year. After seeing the faults of trying to rush into something right after me getting out of a previous relationship, He wanted to give me more time to heal and find myself before we got serious with each other. That night Luca life was saved by the commotion the police made when they were rushing the party. Luca was able to duck off and run while Rashad and Salt was panicking. The police had everything lock down and not much people were able to escape. Things could have ended way differently if the police did not intervene. I thank God every day because I do not know what I will do if I lost Luca that night. We have plans to try long distance relationship with me at Howard and his still in UM but with our love I know even if we don't make it as a couple we will always be there for each other and even as friends.
*******************************************************************************************Thank you all for reading my story I hope you all enjoyed it. I have another story that I plan on starting on soon. 🤗 Please continue to support me!

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