Fight club

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Chapter 14


Who is this? the lame you were dealing with? -Luca

Lame, I am show you lame when I beat your ass-Rashad (getting in Luca face)

What the fuck Rashad we don't go together anymore why the hell you all up in my business-Ocean (stepping in between Luca and Rashad)

Because you will always be mine and everyone know that-Rashad (grabbing Ocean and pulling her away from Luca)

Look I want nothing to do with this toxic relationship anymore I said I am done with you and I meant that-Ocean (trying to pull away from Rashad)

You do not mean that shit for real your just mad, and I get it I was tripping I should not have gone off like that -Rashad

Yes, I do I want nothing to do with you Rashad there is no excuse for the way you treated me-Ocean

Look I took some pills earlier that day and I was still tweaking; you know I am not like that-Rashad

I do not care, and lately you always high you need help and I am beyond trying to get you the help you need-Ocean

I am out I do not have time to deal with this say no to drugs high school special, listen Ocean you can call me when you get rid of the junky- Luca (turning away)

Who the fuck you calling a junky? -Rashad (pushing ocean to the side walking up to Luca)

Look this not the pressure you want little boy you need to chill before I sober you up myself -Luca (turning back to face Rashad)

I will show you how sober I am -Rashad

Then Rashad takes the first punch and hit Luca in the face, but Luca does not give him the chance to follow up with another one before punching Rashad with a clean two piece in the face. Rashad falls back and when he lifts his face, I can see blood starting to run down his nose. I start to panic trying to stop them from fighting but one of the guys at the party grab me and yell for me to stay out of it, that I can get hurt. But I do not care about getting hurt I just want them to stop hurting each other. Rashad tries to come back by tackle Luca down to the floor, but it does not work out because Luca ends up on top and start raining punches all over Rashad face and body. I am yelling for someone to stop it and finally two guys come and pull Luca off him. I run to Rashad to see if his okay, but I cannot see much with all the blood in Rashad face. I turned to see if someone can help me with Rashad but what I see show me that the situation just got worse. the guys that pulled Luca off was no other than Salt and his boys and Salt currently have a gun pulled out on Luca. Salt yells and demand that everyone leave the backyard. Most of the group runs off, but some brave souls linger to see what is going on.

You got some balls on you to come to one of my parties and start some shit with one of my brothers-Salt

I Wasn't starting shit, I just finished it -Luca

Finished it, nigga how about I finish you -Salt (clocking his gun)

Stop wait!!!!!...chill Salt he is with me -ocean (holding Rashad because he is still dazes out)

Ocean stay out of this-Luca

Luca is facing salt with his chin out not looking as scared as he should be, salt is crazy, and I do not think he have any problems with shooting someone in a middle of a party. I need to help him; I see Stacy standing not too far from me, so I wave her over to help Rashad. She comes over and lay Rashad on her lap and tries to get him to wake up again.

Look salt his with me okay, it is Rashad that was spazzing out and starting shit for no reason-Ocean

You on some op shit bringing another nigga here to get Rashad jealous- Salt

I did not think he would care he is the one that ended it with me remember, and I did not even know this was your party -Ocean

Well I feel disrespected - Salt

I do not give a fuck how you feel -Luca

Yeah you one brave dumb nigga, I got this pistol to your head that should really make you care how I feel-Salt

salt chill okay all this is very much unnecessary we can just leave we're not trying to start anything with anyone-Ocean

Naw I want another round- Rashad (getting up looking daze still)
Nigga you cannot even hold yourself up-Salt

am good I want another round he got some lucky shots in, but I am good now-Rashad (trying to look stable but not successfully)

I need to dead this shit once and for all-Salt

Dead what-Ocean

This shit you have with Rashad, you got his head all gone and I'm sick of it-salt
We don't go together, how many times I had to repeat this before all of you get it -Ocean

Naw he got one thing right, y'all clearly not done until he says so-Salt

When was the women movement again, cause y'all got me fuck up, I want nothing to do with Rashad and you for that matter? I am leaving and that's that-Ocean (moving towards Luca)

Salt then move the gun from Luca to me.

Naw you not leaving until I make this shit clear
better yet get this nigga -salt (signaling this friends)

Salt boys grab Luca and start beating on him, Luca tries to fight them off but it's three against one and they're not showing him any mercy.

Yeah now talk shit nigga- Rashad (looking please)

Here take this and finish this shit (handing Rashad the gun) you want to put your foot down then take care of him-Salt

Rashad takes the gun and points it at Luca.

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