World Stop

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Chapter 13

Walking to the car I can clearly see that the girls started pre-gaming before me, they all had red cups in their hands. I walk to the back seat and open the door; the music is so loud that I can feel the base all through my body. The first thing I see is Angel twerking in the back to the Future song "life is good" and Stacy and Darlene in the front are laughing and recording her.

Hey girl you took long enough- Stacy (turning around from the passenger seat)

I did not take that long stop it -Ocean (rolling eyes playfully)

Tonight, is going to be Lit I can feel it-Angel (still dancing)

No, you are just Lit already -Stacy (with laughter in her voice)

Yeah, I am ready to have a good time it is needed with the summer I had- Ocean

Darlene pulls out of the parking spot in my house and starts to drive. We all are listening to the music and making videos from Snapchat. But I notice that Darlene is not saying much, and I figure it is because she feels awkward because we still have some tension between us. It is not long before we pull up to the party. There is so much cars that it takes us 10 mins to find a parking. With that fact alone a now this party is going to be epic, we all take a couple of shots of the small bottle of patron to ensure we have a little buzz. Before we step out the car, we all do a smell check making sure we all have gum and doing an extra spray of perfume. When we get out, I stay back a little and grab Darlene hand.

Can we talk a little? - Ocean

Yeah sure what's up-Darlene

I just wanted to dead all this pettiness- Ocean

Who is being petty? -Darlene (folding her hands with attitude)

We both are ( rolls eyes) I know I was in my feelings when you finally told me the truth but I shouldn't have gotten that mad at you, like Stacy and Angel said you was put between a rock and a hard place -Ocean

Yeah, I really did not like lying to you, but I just did not know what else to do-Darlene

I understand that now.... we cool? -Ocean

Yeah, we cool- Darlene (jumping on Ocean for a hug)

Get off me you lesbian -Ocean (pushing Darlene off and laughing)
Aww I am so happy that we are one big happy family again-Angel

This girl is clearly drunk already -Stacy (all girls laugh)

We make are way to the door and pass some people from school but from the amount of people I can tell it is more than our senior class looks like the whole school is here. It is a big mansion and it still looks like half the party outside. Hopefully, I do not run into Rashad, that is another reason why I did not want to come to this party, I know for sure his here. As we make our way through some of my friends stop me from the poetry club to say hey. Catching up with them really put me in a better mood. I miss all my friends and associates. Before I know it, I have a drink in my hand and is having a good time.

Come on girl we did not even go inside you know we have to do a complete round so everyone can see us -Angel

But I am Vibing here-Ocean

Stop being a pussy, you look fucking great when Rashad see you, he will regret everything he did -Angel

I do not care! Just do not want the drama tonight – Ocean

Well Stacy and Darlene are clearly Waiting for you at the door- Angel (pointing so I can see that the girls are waiting for us)

Fuck it then let us go- Ocean (I turn to my other friends and tell them I will be back)

We catch up to the two other girls and go through the door. I thought it will be pack, but it is not that bad I can tell it is more layback and chill vibe. Except I can see a small group bundle up in the far right. Look like Some girls are on one of the tables half naked dancing, but they look to be so drunk or high that it is a little sad. But really catch my attention is Salt throwing money on the girls making it rain, he has two of his goofy friends with him that keep slapping the girl's ass and tell them to take more clothes off. They want this to be a stripe club so bad. I want nothing to do with that, but I see Darlene make her way there likely to look for her boyfriend.

I am not trying to be over there let us go to the back and see what is up -Ocean
Cool I am down- Stacy

Naw I am head over there and say hi to Salt- Angel (looking like she's undressing Salt with her eyes)

Okay cool- Ocean (garbing Stacy hand while angel walk off to catch up to Darlene)

I did not see Rashad with them-Stacy

Yeah, I know but I know he here somewhere I mean his daddy Salt is, so he is not far behind- Ocean

We head to the back of the house and see more people chilling by the pool. We see more of our friends so me and Stacy head that way. We have fun just joking around and talking about school. I start feeling the vibe and drinking. I see some girls giving me the side eye, but I do not let it get to me I am used to having some girls hate on me. I am happy that I am looking my best giving these hating hoes something to be mad about. One of my favorite songs come on "act up" by the city girls so me and Stacy starts dancing. I am having such a good time I do not see that someone walk up to me. I turn and bump into him and I finally look up.

So, you cannot call me but you out here turning up that is fuck up-Luca (shaking his head)

Fuck Luca wait let me explain- Ocean (garbing his arm)

Now you trying to talk I'm good Ocean - Luca ( pulling his hand back backing away from her )
Please, I was going to hit you up I just needed time to think- ocean
Yeah I see you thinking - Luca

It is not like that I swear, just give me a minute so we can talk- ocean
Naw we pass that ocean- Luca

Ocean who the fuck is this nigga- Rashad (walking toward ocean looking pissed)


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