Let's Ride

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Chapter 3

Ocean! Ocean! Get in the car!

I keep hearing someone calling my name, but I can't see who is. Everyone running trying to find their car. Pushing each other all in a panic. I just can't believe I'm stupid enough to come looking for Rashad dumb ass. Now I'm stuck and I can't find Darlene.

Ocean get your ass in the car!

I turn and see this black challenger, but the windows are so tinted I can't see who's in it, but I think that someone in there is calling my name. I try looking for Darlene again because I made one stupid choice today and I'm not about to make another by jumping into a random car. Right when I'm about to just say fuck it and just run somewhere safe and wait to call Darlene, I see Darlene car fly by. Shit what the hell Im do now. The black challenger stops directly in front of me and roll down the window. I can finally see who's been calling me and I rather take my chances running home.

Salt- girl get your ass in the car the police about to come any min

Ocean- boy I look stupid whoever's shooting is likely looking for your black ass and I'm trying to be far away from you

Salts- those punk's been ran off when we starting clacking back

Ocean- I'm not jumping into your car Salt...I look around one more time and this party is really clearing out fast...I don't hear any more gun shots but what I do hear is police sirens coming and I'm not trying to be on the scene when they finally pull up. I'm not supposed to be out. My mom will have my ass if the police must take me home.

Salt- last time Ocean...I'm about to leave your ass

Ocean-Shit!!!!!! I jump in the car. I guess tonight is just one of those nights when everything goes wrong.

Salt- you lucky I saw you running around looking slow

Ocean- whatever boy just take me home in one piece

Salt-no problem I'll take the back streets and I know a short cut.

Salt then starts to drive so crazy fast, taking all these turns and back roads that I start to panic. I don't hear the police sirens no more, but I'm so lost I'm not sure his taking me home. I open my phone and put on the GPS to see exactly where we at. If he thinks his going to kidnap me, he has another thing coming I'm send my location to Darlene and tell her to call the cops. Salt makes about three more turns and it's starting to look more like my neighborhood. Siri chooses now to announced that I'm 5 min away from my house.

Salt- what the hell Ocean you didn't think I was going to take you home (laughs)

Ocean- yeah, I just didn't think you knew where you were going

Salt- your real pretty and all...but I'm not trying to kidnap no body (still laugh)

Ocean- whatever boy just take me home. I don't know what youre capable of anymore

Salt- Ocean why you acting like that, you know I won't do no crazy shit to you. We basically grew up together.

Ocean- you changed Salt and you trying to change Rashad too

Salt- I ain't change nobody. Rashad is making is own choices.

Ocean- but you know the life you are living is not for him

Salt- what you mean this shit goes way back and he got blood in this too

Ocean- what you mean he got blood in this!!!!

Salt- we all rep the black flag...it's in our blood...Rashad day was always going to come. We been keeping it in the family...that's the only way we can have trust out here, only family will really have your back.

Ocean- Rashad has a future. He supposed to play ball and do something with his life. Not get caught up in this gang stuff you got going on. Leave him alone Salt please.

Salt-look you home... now hurry and get in before your mom notice you was gone (pulling up to my house)

Ocean- you not trying to hear me

Salt- I hear you but I know the truth Ocean and sometimes you need to understand that some things are just bigger than you. Some things are about the past and the future and the effects we have on both.

Ocean- whatever Salt you just trying to talk in circles

I get out the car and slam the door close. I hate Salt he just wants to be another black boy statistic. bang banging. He only going to end up in jail or dead and I don't want that for Rashad. I ran to my room window and jump back in my room. I stop to hear if my mom herd me or is walking around the house. I don't hear nothing, so I go to my bathroom that's connected to my room and remove my makeup. I didn't get nothing accomplished tonight and I feel more lost then before. But I'm starting to agree with Rashad mom. Maybe it's best that she moves him away. It's looking like the only way to save him now. I change into my pajamas and lay down, but it takes forever to sleep cause all I can picture is Rashad dead with a black flag in his hand.

*************************************************so I know I didn't upload any new chapters last week and I apologize but I was so busy with work and having to help plan my sister birthday this weekend. So please be patient with me. I might have some more coming to week. Don't forget to vote! vote! vote!

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