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Chapter 9

I walked up to the door feeling nervous and a little annoyed. But I'm determined to get Rashad on the right state of mind and if I have to tag team him with his mom then so be it. But I'm just shock that Darlene had known this whole time and never said anything, better yet she was lying to me this whole time to my face. When I did ask her where she was getting all these new clothes and new car from, she told me that her mom was trying to spoiler her now to convince her not to leave out of state for college. Lying ass! I can't believe her, and to be cool with that shit really have me questioning her character. I ringed the doorbell and the wait for Mrs. Morris to answer, it takes a little while, but she finally comes to the door. When she sees its me, she grabs me and give me a tight hug.

Mrs. Morris is always pulling double shifts at Jackson North hospital as an RN so she's always wearing her scrubs like now. She's an older good-looking woman with a full figure but all that hard work has reflected somewhat in her looks, every time I see her, she has bags under her eyes like she's not getting to much sleep. Rashad gets his eyes from her and his stubbornness because Mrs. Morris does not play.

Oh, sweetie you look good, come on inside and so I can get a good look at you-Mrs. Morris

Thank you- Ocean (following Mrs. Morris inside)

I barely see you now a days, how's the summer going for you-Mrs. Morris

It's been good just been keeping busy and having fun-Ocean

I know school starts in about three weeks, you ready for senior year-Mrs. Morris

I'm excited for this coming year is why I wanted to come by to talk to you. I was wondering if Rashad is going to be here in Miami come fall-Ocean

Sweetie if it was up to me Rashad would have been in California since the start of summer. I know you have something going on with him, but I must do what is right by him and I feel moving him away from this neighborhood is best. I compromise and let him stay for the summer to say his goodbyes-Mrs. Morris

I get it, and after learning what he been up to lately has me worried too. But I spoke to him the other day and I think he has a change of heart now. Maybe there's a way for him to stay. I know he worked hard here with his sports career and school, moving can really damage that-Ocean

His career and his future is what I'm trying to save. I don't want to get a call in the middle of the night from a police officer telling me my son is dead because of this gang mess-Mrs. Morris

I know and the last time we spoke, Rashad really seem to be rethinking being involved in that. I think we should just talk to him together to really get through to him-Ocean

Okay we can try but if he continues to show that his involved in gang activity's I'm shipping him off to California-Mrs. Morris

Okay I just want to try and see if he can stay-Ocean

He should be coming home in a little, how about I get us some iced tea and we can chill in the living room to wait for him. My feet are killing me I need to sit down and relax cause my dogs are barking-Mrs. Morris

Sure, I wouldn't mind some Iced tea-Ocean

Mrs. Morris and I went into the living room and just chilled while waiting for Rashad. She turns on the TV and had us catching up to all the latest episodes of Housewives of Atlanta. I always like Mrs. Morris, she's like a second mom to me. But when I noticed we started on the second episode I was getting a little annoyed. I thought Rashad would pop up by now but clearly his not coming anytime soon. so, I asked Mrs. Morris how much longer she think he will be.

Sweetie I don't know Rashad just pop in and out of this house at any given time and when I try to talk to him, he gets loud and disrespectful-Mrs. Morris

Wow I can't believe he's being so disrespectful towards you, he changed so much lately-Ocean (holding Mrs. Morris hand)

Yeah, he's done a whole 360 sometimes I have to remind myself that the same sweet boy I raised that his just going through some changes and is lost. I pray for him every day that whatever faze his going through goes by fast because I'm about this close to shoving my foot all in his ass -Mrs. Morris

So, we wait some more, and Rashad never shows. I had to text Luca and schedule to meet later. While waiting I figured I would ask Mrs. Morris some more questions about Rashad dad.

I know this maybe a weird question but why did you lie about how Rashad dad die. -Ocean

(Mrs. Morris stop laughing at the TV, mute the TV and turn to me)

I lied to Rashad about his dad because I wanted to protect him. I didn't want him to grow up with a chip on his shoulder trying to find revenge. Especially when his dad wasn't even that good to us. Rashad have this rose color outlook of how his dad was alive and that's okay I never wanted him to hold on to any resentment, but his dad was barely around. I was basically a single mother from the start. I never spoke ill about his dad after he past and now when I try to explain to Rashad how his father really was, Rashad doesn't want to listen. Rashad thinks I'm lying about everything, and I can't blame him I should've been truthful in the beginning but to see him throw his life away in the name of his dead-beat father is heart breaking. (Tearfully) -Mrs. Morris

What's going on here-Rashad (walking in looking mad)

I came to see you-Ocean (getting up from the couch and walking toward Rashad)

But you didn't call or text-Rashad (looking uncomfortable)

Ocean knows she's welcome here anytime -Mrs. Morris

I don't just show up at your crib whenever, you should've told me you was coming by, anyways I'm just stopping by here to grab something then I'm out-Rashad (walking to his room, then walks back out with a black bag)

I came to see you, what's so important that you can't chill with me a little-Ocean

I'm busy right now, I have someone waiting for me outside-Rashad

That no good Salt boy-Mrs. Morris (jumping up from the couch mad)

Mom don't start-Rashad

I told you to stop hanging out with that boy Rashad, and I don't want him coming to my house- Mrs. Morris

Yeah and I told you, you can't control who I'm friends with-Rashad

I control everything that's still living in my house, until you can stand on your two feet, I control everything you do-Mrs. Morris

You aint saying nothing I don't need to stay here anymore specially when you're trying to ship me off anyways-Rashad (yells)

Your mom just trying to help you Rashad don't you see that -Ocean

Look Ocean you need to mind your own business this between me and my mom, I'm sick of you telling me what to do-Rashad

No one is trying to control you Rashad we just see that your clearly moving wrong, I just want you to see that too -Ocean

You know what I see a clingy bitch that don't know when she's not wanted - Rashad (all up in ocean face)

Don't talk to her like that she came here trying to help you and your being disrespectful-Mrs. Morris (pushing Rashad out of Ocean face)

That's how you feel, fine I'm done with you for good you don't need to worry about me being in your business from this day out -Ocean (with angry tears)

I been done with you I got what I wanted last night -Rashad said stomping out.

He grabs his bag and slammed the door on his way out. I go to run after him and see that he jumps in the passenger seat in Salts car. Before they pull off Salt turns and blow a kiss at me. Mrs. Morris comes out cussing at them but when the car disappears, she then come straight to me and give me a hug trying to make me feel better but there's nothing she can say or do can mend my broken heart.

*************************************************sorry for the little wait for this chapter my birthday and the holidays made it a hard to update. I will try harder to update more often. Please vote and leave comments!!!!!!!

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