First Love

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Chapter 7

I just wanted to show him how much I love him. So, when he started massaging my body, I let him. It felt like his hands was everywhere and it was driving me crazy. This is what I wanted, to feel close to him again. Even when he started raising my sweater, I had no hesitation. We've been so separated lately it felt so good to finally Have my boo back, like we were connected again. Before I knew it I was topless and Rashad was raining kisses all over my neck and was slowly making his way to my breast. My nipples were so hard, the anticipation was driving me crazy. He finally got to my breast and starting sucking on my nipple, which sent shock waves straight to my core. He was rubbing on my other nipple, pinching it, which made my pussy pulse. I couldn't hold back my moans any longer. I just wanted him to touch me all over. Rashad could clearly tell that I needed more, he then proceeds to rub on my thighs and the closer he got to my pussy the wetter I got. It started to feel like the temperature in the car was raising and the heat was clearly coming from me. Rashad started rubbing my pussy and the friction from my tights was hitting my clit in all the right ways. He switches up and stared sucking on my other nipple. I felt like I was about to explode, I started grinding on his hand. I felt like I was just about to hit my peak all I needed was for him to go faster. I was breathing so hard like I just ran a mile in under 3 mins. I hit my peak It felt so amazing I had tingles all over starting from my head all the way down to my toes. I had to afterglow warm feeling in my heart. When I open my eyes, I could see Rashad honey brown eyes looking back at me. It felt like he was looking into my soul.

You want to come to my room -Ocean

Yeah...okay -Rashad

I made my decisions and it felt so right. We always mess around but tonight it was different. I'm not sure if it's because he just opened to me or because I was trying to still hold on to him. But tonight, I made up my mind to give Rashad all of me. We walk to my window and jump through. This was the first time Rashad was in my room and i felt a little awkward. I made sure that my room door was locked and picked some things up that was on the floor. But he put me at ease by pulling me to him and giving me a hug. He tips his head down and kissed me. It was a sweet slow kiss that made my heart melt.

I love you. We don't have to do anything if you're not ready-Rashad

I want to. I love you -Ocean

I pulled his shirt up and over his head and started kissing him again. I can kiss Rashad for hours he has the most perfect lips nice and soft. He back me to the bed and we slowly laid down while we're still kissing. He started messaging my body again and I felt the fire come back. He removed my top and started rubbing on my breast. I felt warm all over it was like I body was ready to come again. He moves to my tights and started tugging it down. I tense up a little this will be the first time Rashad sees me completely naked. I never been this exposed to another person, I felt a little exposed. He must have felt it because he kisses me on my stomach and look up and said.

Youre so beautiful-Rashad

I could tell that he meant it because he had this hunger look in his eyes, like he wanted to devour me. He continued to kiss down my body and they closer he got to my pussy the hotter I get. That first link on my clit blow my mind. Rashad had to hold my thighs because I started clinching, moving around. It didn't take long for me to come again. I came harder the second time around. I was in so much bliss that It felt like I was floating.

Baby you ready-Rashad

I open my eyes to see that Rashad had took his pants off and was in the process of removing his underwear. I couldn't help stare. He looked so big. I hope it's not too painful. I know that it hurts your first time and that you can bleed. His dick seems to stare right back at me he was so hard that I can even see the Veins on it even in the dark.

Like what you see -Rashad (smirking)

Come here -Ocean

He comes back on the bed and start kissing me. I can feel his dick on my stomach and it's turning me on. He starts to rub my pussy again

Your wet bae -Rashad

Then I can feel him Aline this dick to my opening. He stats to push in and I try not to tense up again. I feel so full. Rashad is slowly making his way in and I can hear him grunt every now and then. Then he pushes his way all the way in me. I feel a sharp pain that instantly put tears to my eyes.

Fuck Rashad-Ocean

I'm so sorry baby, I'm make it better-Rashad

Rashad then starts to rub my clit. I can still feel the pain and the fullness of him being  in me but I can also feel doses of pleasure coming through. Unbelievably I can feel that I'm getting wetter. Rashad then starts to move. That causes it to hurt some more but he doesn't stop. He just keeps grinding in me. I can hear his breathing starting to quicken. The more he moves the less the pain I feel. Right when I'm starting to like it. I hear Rashad grunts and he goes still.  He whispers in my ears.

This pussy mine -Rashad

Rashad pulls out and then I feel a rush of wetness come out of me. Thank God my mom started me on the pill after she caught me and Rashad weeks ago. I so was not thinking about a condom and clearly Rashad wasn't ether. We stay up all night just holding each other  until we fall asleep. I have no regrets because I feel like after tonight our relationship will be stronger.

*************************************************so things are clearly getting hotter 😜 thank you everyone for reading! Please vote and leave comments. Love hearing how you feel. ❤️❤️❤️

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