Special A/n

651 1 8

Hey guys! So guess what my book is number 20 in the category fandoms soo ya yay!!! Anywho I will be doing an Q&A so please comment you questions and I will answer them in a couple of days! 

I would also like to say thanks to nearly everyone who has commented, Voted, and all that jack! I love you guys even more because of that! Here just take all my candies!! *Throws all candies on you guys* I just love you guys sooooo much!!!

Anywhooo~ no more ranting! *Whispers to self* Stay focused! So one more thing I need requests because I have nothing in mind. I'm having a Authors block! Sooooo please please with a cherry and candies on top request! 

But other than that I love you guys soooo much *Blowing kissing and hugs to you guys* ❤️❤️

Cya later my shippers of love ~Monty ✌🏼~


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