Sweet Little Unforgettable Thing

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Be warned there are some swearing here!

3rd POV

Slut. What does it mean? Well to people who are selfish and just say it for "fun", it's just a name. But to girls it basically meant that she was a fuckboy but a girl version. It sucked and Y/n was getting sick of it. 

This one guy though is so kind that he doesn't call girls that. He cares so much about their feelings. He was C/n. The school sweetheart, the last boy that's still a virgin in the whole school. The girls normally fell for the bad boys or the popular guys, but y/n didn't she fell for him.

She always had heart eyes for he cute one and c/n was cute. He was also your friend. Dear god he was the cutest friend ever! He would always be there for you and he always defended you. It was cute when he was angry.

"Hey slut!" One of the fuckboys said slamming a fist next to your locker. 

You looked up at him angry at the name he called you. "Call me that one more time and I swear..." you growled.

"Or what! Slut" This time someone tapped his shoulder and as he turned to see who it was, he got punched in the jaw.

"Or your going to be in trouble." You knowing C/n would've done that smile at him and nod in agreement. "Don't mess with me or y/n, unless you want to feel pain." 

The boy grumbled away holding his jaw. You high five c/n as you got your books out of your locker. 

"Seriously we need to do something about people being called that. Like write a song or something! Then sing it out loud in the cafeteria or something!" You remark closing he locker and look to see C/n face light up. "What?"

"That's a perfect idea! A song about it! People then will know how much it hurts and how much most of these girls don't care if they get called that anymore!" He and I both smile as we both know that tonight will be a long night of writing.

"Mine or yours?" Was all you said.

~TimeSkip to that night~ 

You and c/n both finished your homework before you got started this song. "What should the letters of slut stand for...." C/n thought aloud as he played chords on his guitar. (Or instrument that he plays.)

"Let me think.." You thought as a finger traced your jaw. Then you had it. "Sweet little unforgettable thing!" 

"Perfecto!" C/n said as he wrote the title down. 

That night was filled with laughter, and chords being played. Frustration aswell as you both thought of lyrics. But in the end, you finally had a song lyric. You practice the song for a few hours before slowly cuddling up to each other and sleeping sound asleep.

~TimeSkip To Morning~

In he morning you two woke and got ready to go to school early to go ask the principal if you could borrow the microphone at lunch. As you walked into school you saw (Principal/Name) and ran to them yelling their name. 

"Yes C/n, Y/n what may I be assistant to you?" They questioned. 

"Can we use the microphone and a part for a guitar (other instrument,) for a song we wrote to aware the school about something we think is big!" You blurted out, because  of your excitement.

"It depends the song, may I see it?" You both nodded as you gave them the paper with the lyrics and chords on it. She/he hummed to themselves and nodded at you. "Alright I will give you the microphone and another for the (instrument) just don't turn them on until you both get into the cafeteria, please." 

You both nodded quickly before followed them to their office to grab the microphone. This was going to be the best lunch you've both had in a while.

~TimeSkip to Lunch~ 

You dragged c/n to the cafeteria swiftly running to the centre of the group of tables and standing on it, as c/n plugged in his (instrument). You turned on the microphone and so did c/n mostly everyone looking at you. 

You coughed to get everyones attention. "Ok now that I have your attention, hi I'm y/n and that's c/n" You say point him out. "And yesterday we thought we would do something's no one would ever do. So we both wanted to share wih you what we made last night." You turned to everyone before looking at c/n to start.

(Cue the music!)

I love myself, I wanna see it

When I turn around, look in the mirror
And if you don't like it, you can leave it
'Cause it's my own and I'll keep owning it

If you don't like what I'm wearing
Well, you're only bothered 'cause you're staring
And you'll never talk me into caring
'Cause it's my own and I'll keep owning it

I'ma do just what I want on the regular
And it's really not my fault if you're scared of a

You looked at everyone and some of whom were dancing to your song.

Sweet little unforgettable thing, unforgettable
Sweet little unforgettable thing, so incredible
Know that I'm not sorry, I'm just loving my body
I don't care if you scared of a sweet little unforgettable thing

I love my ass, I wanna shake it
You can thank my mama 'cause she made it
Don't you waste your breath tryna change it
Just mind your own and I'll keep owning it

You said this as you swayed your hips.

We gotta learn to stick together
Love your color, gender or whatever
'Cause your happiness don't need a censor
Just mind your own and we'll keep owning it

I'ma do just what I want on the regular
And it's really not my fault if you're scared of a

Sweet little unforgettable thing, unforgettable
Sweet little unforgettable thing, so incredible
Know that I'm not sorry, I'm just loving my body
I don't care if you scared of a sweet little unforgettable thing

You kept moving your body sexily to show your point in the chorus.

Shame, shame, shame on me, shame, shame, shame
Shame on me, baby, I ain't gon' change
Shame, shame, shame on me, shame, shame, shame
Shame on me, baby, I ain't gon' change
No, no, no..

Sweet little unforgettable thing, unforgettable
Sweet little unforgettable thing, so incredible
Know that I'm not sorry, I'm just loving my body
I don't care if you scared of a sweet little unforgettable thing

Shame, shame, shame on me
Shame on me, baby
Shame, shame, shame on me
Shame on me, baby
Sweet little unforgettable thing...

You smiled as the crowd of student clapped and congratulated you and c/n. "So think before you start calling people sluts." Glaring at every boys in the room. "Thank you!" You turn the mircrophone off and walked to c/n like nothing happened.

You were going to say something but you were picked up and felt something on your lips. I stared at the persons eyes. C/n was kissing you! You slowly kissed back and pulled away. "You played perfectly!" You hummed to him.

"You sang perfectly! And your dancing was sexy!" He winked at you as you blushed."So be my Sweet little unforgettable thing?" He pronounced.

You smile and kisses his lips before pulling away walking away sassily. "Is that too sweet little unforgettable thing for you?" You winked at him and he followed you like a love sick puppy.

1210 words.

Yeah this is inspired by the song. And I thought I would write this because I'm sick of guys calling girls a slut! If a guy ever calls you that, just say "yeah I am a sweet little unforgettable thing" and walk away. A girl should get shamed for doing nothing! But that's all love yah all!

Cya later my shippers of love ~Monty ✌🏼✌🏼~


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