Finally Home (2)

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As I drove towards the ranch down familiar roads, I could feel the adrenaline running through my veins. I felt excited and nervous at all the possible scenarios I would find in Colorado.

I got here only hours ago and the closer I got to town the more nervous and anxious I felt. It had been a long time since I felt like this, in fact it was the day I sent that letter to Blake to let him know about my engagement.

To rent a car was something like Mission Impossible. I tried hard to cover my face at the airport and then at the "Rent A Car". It was the only one that had a truck to deal with these roads. It was clean and it smelled good, but it wasn't fast enough.

I loved the feeling of going beyond the speed limit, but I couldn't resist the urge to slow down and enjoy the view of the bright blue sky during autumn and the mountains in front, a few miles away, leading the way back home.

I missed Colorado Springs. I went away at the age of fifteen, still excited about getting to know the real world. It sounded like a joke now after all the nights I'd spent crying and wishing I was home again.

I still remembered when my mom took me to that audition behind my Dad's back. He was so angry when he found out she took me out of town for it, a few days later they called to offer me a part in a TV show. It was about a family and their daily issues. The casting director described it as "funny, dramatic and incredibly lovely".

Mom did her best to accept it and when we finally told the news to dad, he knew he was losing both of us. He said I wasn't ready for what was coming. I left school, friends, my whole life, happy to live my dream. I left him, the only person I thought would stick through and through no matter what. I was so wrong, as wrong as a fifteen-year-old could be.

It had been exactly ten years since the day I left and I still felt his green piercing eyes looking through me. He understood my dream, but a part of him was afraid of the changes that would come. The show lasted seven seasons, which were all amazing.

I hadn’t changed at all. I was still independent and funny, the same huge smile that showed more teeth than any other human being. My hair the same dark color, but it was short now, and I’d learned how to use makeup. I mentally laughed at myself thinking about the mess I was at fifteen.

I saw the big sign "Welcome to Colorado Springs". A few miles and I would be home.

I made my way to town to make a stop before heading to my dad's ranch. Everything looked almost the same. Some businesses closed and others had changed their names. It looked a bit modern and that made me feel nostalgic.

I parked the car, trying not to catch the attention of people around. I fixed my hair and sunglasses and pulled on the boots I got at the airport. I walked at a slow pace, enjoying the town's atmosphere as I entered the infamous cafe: "Maggies".

I walked towards the cashier to order and as I did I could feel eyes on me, staring, they knew I wasn't from around here. Everyone knew everyone in a small town like this.

I focused on the tall girl in front of me with a gentle smile

"Morning ma'am, are you ready to order or would you like a table?"

"Good morning. No tables. I would like to order take out, " I said, smiling while twirling a strand of my short hair between my fingers. "Can I have a coffee and a sandwich? The Maggie's famous one."

"Of course, Miss. That would be $12.25." She said as she turned around to serve the coffee.

I took a long look at the people eating and talking at the tables. The café wasn't crowded, but I didn't want people to recognize me before getting home.

I guess that wasn't going to happen since there was a woman around my age staring at me intensely. It scared me to think she knew who I was. I tried to hurry things up with my order to avoid her.

I shifted my body towards the cashier again to see she was on her way towards me with my sandwich. The girl handed me the order and then I paid, murmuring a small thank you. I walked to the exit with my head down, but I knew it was too late when a familiar voice called my name.

"Liv, Liv Davis?" a sweet, melodic voice whispered behind me.

My first reaction was to run away, but I didn't want to cause a bad impression on my first day back. I smiled at her with my best smile, the one that gave me so many fans over the years. My eyes made contact with hers, finding familiarity with them.

"Yes, the same Liv." I replied sweetly, still confused, searching in the back of my mind for her name.

"Oh my God! I can't believe you're here." Her facial expression went from surprised to a smile within a second. She squealed and hugged me.

My body didn't react that fast, still in shock that I couldn't exactly remember her. It had been ten long years. In the end, I returned the hug as she pulled away to look at me from head to toe. "You have changed so much! It's me, Marley!"

Oh my! Marley turned into such a beautiful woman. Last time I saw her, she was thirteen with messy long blonde hair, short legs and freckles everywhere. I used to spend some afternoons with her.

"Marley, you look so beautiful!" I exclaimed with a wide smile, so happy to see her.

"Yes, you weren't the only one," she giggled, her long, blonde hair moving from one side to the other. Her face showed genuine excitement of seeing me again. She squeezed my hand, still smiling.

"I knew you would be back someday. I see we still have our cowgirl."

"Yes, I'm visiting." I whispered. I looked around the cafe to check if anyone was paying attention to our conversation. I only saw people too immersed in their own conversations to even get into our business.

Marley took notice of my concern as I looked again at the couple beside us. "You haven't seen them yet?" She asked, clearly worried as she took me out of the cafe to continue our talk.

That made think about Blake. How was he doing? How much had he changed? I couldn't stop wondering if he remembered me. He replied to all of my emails until season four when some stupid rumors were spread around. Rumors about me having issues with drugs, relationships and depression.

After that, he never spoke to me again; not one email, not one call, not even a birthday letter.

Marley was rambling about her life, her brother and the news in town. Somehow, between my smiles and short conversation, she noticed I wasn't paying attention.

"Silly me, talking nonsense when you are nervous about seeing your dad again. I'm so sorry," she apologized with a shy smile.

"It's fine! I just really want to get home and finally see him again, it feels like forever since I last saw him." I said, thrilled with the idea of seeing dad again. We’d kept in touch over the years but our relationship just wasn't the same.

"Then go. Good luck!" She wished, knowing very well I needed it when it came to Harry Davis. I knew I needed more of a miracle with Blake.

I said goodbye to Marley, making sure to plan a girl’s night during the next week.

I walked to my truck, the sun hitting my skin as I opened the door and climbed in. I couldn't help but smile. After all I had been through being home was what I needed the most. Turning the engine on and listening to some country music, I drove towards the ranch.

I was nervous and scared, but you know, weren't all beginnings this scary? And I intended for this to be just that. A new beginning.

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