The biggest lie (12)

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Blake's P.O.V.

Blake’s POV

That moment when you look into her eyes and see them full of emotions, and then the only thing you can do is to stare at those deep brown eyes and show them without words that you are truly sorry for what is coming her way. It was actually a life changing secret. At least to us.

I took Miranda without saying a word. I was too scared to even look at her again. She wanted answers to understand, to give sense to the life she encounter here since she's been back. I wasn't planning to give her what she needed. I was a coward,  too many times, a soft selfish man.

I softly kicked the half opened door to our room. The bed was made as if it wasn't touched by us every night. Miranda became the perfect housewife that I knew she would be. Since we were young I knew she was the wife and motherly type of woman.

I carefully placed her on the bed. I sat beside her and contemplated her soft face. She had an expression of contempt as her eyebrows relaxed findings deep sleep. I hoped she had a good night's sleep. She hasn't slept well since she started treatment.

I caressed her cheek thinking about all the things we have gone through, from our chaotic wedding during spring, the moment she gave birth to Camille and all the complicity we have grown to have over the years. I loved her. She was without a doubt my best friend. Her illness only made us grow closer.

Camille knew about her mother's illness and with tears in her eyes and some other days the same smile as Miranda she tried to face the daily pain of seeing her mom sick. Camille was a light of sunshine in this storm. Always cheerful and innocent full of surprises. She made us smile even in the darkest day. Our decision to take her to her grandma’s house was for the best that way she won't face the worst part of Miranda going. She won't see her dying slowly.

I stood up slowly, afraid that she could wake up.  I had to face the rage and curiosity of a strong independent woman outside. I knew Liv wouldn't walk away with unanswered questions.  She wasn't like any other woman I've ever met.  She didn't like to pretend things never happened and she had the guts to face her feelings. Something I have avoided. 

She used to like simple relationships. Without lies and secrets. It was a thing that kept her away from trusting without any fear. Liv, was probably out the door waiting for me, to burst into anger. She wouldn't contain herself from all the rage and confusion she was surely feeling right now.

I opened the door. Liv was leaning against the wall across the hall. Her arms were crossed in front of her chest as her face held a hard tense expression.  She arched  her eyebrows as her lips turn into a thin line.

She wasn't happy. In fact, she looked disappointed. I noticed how her shoulders fell down in a defeated motion. She was feeling betrayed. The small glow in her eyes made it clear when she finally fixed them on my gaze.

“ Let's talk in the living room" I simply said letting her lead the way. I had the options of telling or not the truth tonight, I was suddenly thinking about the day she came back. 

Two weeks ago

Miranda convinced me to visit Harry. He was like a father to me. Always was there supporting me not only when I opened my veterinary but also with our marriage.

We arrived and Miranda went directly to the house with a huge grin on her face. I found it funny and strange the excitement she was feeling for seeing Harry.

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