Stubborn Davis (3)

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I parked near my dad's house. It looked the same, only a bit older than when I last saw it. The smell of wood and horses was still the same and to be honest I missed it.

I took a moment to look around at the corn fields and the cows on the other side of the fence eating grass. The cold breeze moved the leaves on the beach of each tree. All of it made a great impression of the ranch. After I inhaled the fresh breeze, I realized I was going to enjoy being back home more than I thought.

I made my way to the front porch with my bags and my purse. I fixed my hair in a bad attempt to calm my nerves before ringing the bell. As I pressed the small white button I felt my stomach go queasy like a flock of birds had taken residence inside me plus my hands were sweating. When I heard footsteps getting closer, I slipped my hands in my jacket's pockets and then the door flew open.

I couldn't form any words much less a sentence, so instead I sent him a small shy smile. He was obviously in a state of shock because he stood there gaping at me while he waited for me to say something.

"Hey, dad." I whispered as my eyes went to study his face.

"What are you doing here?" He asked harshly. His brows knitted as he watched me closely.

This was Harry Davis. No hugs or sweet words to welcome his daughter. Only the tough guy he was, plus the dissatisfaction of having a troublemaker for a daughter, as he'd called me a few times on the phone.

My brain tried to formulated a decent sentence to answer his simple and straightforward question.

"I told you I was coming back soon, dad. Here I am. I'm back home." I replied respectfully but with a harsh tone due to his attitude towards me.

"I thought that was a lie like the twenty times you said it before. You have grown a lot, Liv." he couldn't let go of those times, but I understood.

He wanted to see me back then and I never visited. He smiled for a fraction of a second before taking my bags and leading the way in.

My heart stopped for a moment when I saw the interior of the house. It was exactly the same, only a new sofa and a smart TV in the living room. The same color, only a few more pictures decorating the hallway towards the rooms. I couldn't tell who the people in them were, but they looked as if they were close to dad.

"If you're going to stay here you have to help around in the house or outside on the ranch. We have winter coming soon and we're expecting a lot of snow." He made conversation on our way to my room. Everyone staying at the Davis Ranch was there to help and do what he said. No one stayed for free.

"I know, dad. I will do as much as you need me to." I replied, taking my coat off as he opened the door to my bedroom.

"And Liv, I don't want any Hollywood people around here. This is not a soap opera or those TV shows with a lack of values I've watched." His voice held a lack of emotions that hurt more than I thought it would.

"It's all handled dad, I'm not coming here to ruin your life or cause any drama. No one knows I'm here. It will stay that way for as long as I stay here." I tried to say those words with the same emotionless tone, but I couldn't. I forgot my acting skills and showed him how affected I was by his attitude when I reached a low sad volume.

"Last time we talked you sounded excited about your wedding. What happened? Did you run away and leave him alone like you did with us?" He was curious. It was not the best way to ask his only daughter about her love life. He was looking for an explanation for my presence in Colorado, but I wasn't ready to tell him, or anyone.

"Nothing happened. He's fine. I wanted some time away before the wedding, that's all." I replied, smiling trying to make sure he believed my lie.

"Well, I want things to stay the same around here, Liv. Don't bring your life here, we're not used to it."

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