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Six months later

My lips crashed against his rough plump ones and I felt his tongue slowly seeking entrance to my partly open lips. It was the twentieth time we have done this and it felt tiring for both of us. My hands clutch around his neck pulling softly from his hair as I felt his hand on my lower back drawing circles of passion.

I was on top of him only covered with silk bed sheets as he tangled my long hair in his fist and we both looked at each other as if we have found water in the desert and we were planning to drink it all.

Ryan smiled at me with sweetness as I felt his heart beat increase below me. There wasn't a single sound around us and for a moment I was out of reality.

I wish I could tell it was as romantic as it seemed but I would be lying to myself. We were tired and both of us really wanted to go home and rest.

" When did it happened? When did you fall in love with me?" he whispered kissing me shortly before leaving a kiss on my neck.

" During a summer rain" I smiled widely feeling the excitement of this moment and I kissed him deeply.

It was finally over.

" Cut!" the assistant director yelled, causing Ryan and I to pull apart from our heated embrace.

Ryan smiled at me while pulling me up from the bed, being careful to keep my body covered with the bed sheets. Bethany immediately came walking towards me with a comfortable cotton robe. I saw Ryan put a shirt on while everyone around us rushed to shut down the set.

It was our last scene, one we were proud of. Mr. Lowell, our director, came running to us with a satisfied smile on his lips. His tall lanky figure shadowed mine as he hugged me without any caring about my lack of clothing.

" You guys killed it tonight! You have an amazing chemistry. I'm looking forward to get to work with you again" he hugged Ryan too.

" The pleasure was ours" Ryan replied with a smile that reached his eyes. He was indeed happy to have worked with him.

He said goodbye and ran out of the set leaving us with a silly smile on our faces.

" It was amazing to work with you" Ryan told me while we walked to our dressing trailers.

As soon as we step outside the set I felt the cold breeze hit my body and I couldn't stop the shiver that ran through my body. I smiled widely at him, looking up to meet his eyes. He has been a complete gentleman during the last few months and a great coworker, but I wasn't ready to give him a green light to his subtle invitations of being more than friends.

" Thank you, Ryan. I have to admit that I loved it too" his eyes light up as soon as he heard my voice and a wide smile spread on his lips.

" Now I know why you're the Hollywood sweetheart" he smirked slowly and dangerously as I felt my cheeks burn with embarrassment.

" You're too cocky" I joked, stopping in my tracks and looking at him. He was handsome with his blonde hair sleek back and his hazel eyes bright as honey.

" Come on Liv! Say yes, please! You won't regret it" he pleaded me. I knew what he was talking about. He has asked me to go on a date with him more times than what I could count.

" Ryan...I can't" I whispered feeling my heart ached with the longing feeling of missing my other half. I haven't stopped thinking about my first love, Blake.

" Come on Liv! I already saw you naked and I already kissed you. What else is there to know before you say yes?" he joked and his laugh filled the night.

" That's a lie. You always looked away. You think I haven't noticed you are a gentleman? And that kiss was a one time thing" I replied playfully with a small smile.

" Maybe I'm a gentleman just with you" he whispered getting closer to me with a lovestruck look on his eyes. " And I hope that kiss wasn't just a one time thing"

" I think I just need time" I said with a sad sigh, trying to control the blush creeping on my cheeks.

" I'll wait for you. Make up your mind whenever you need to and when you're ready just let me know" he said with hope and resignation.

" I will" I kissed his cheek and walk in my trailer.

Bethany was already there she looked as tired as I did when she pulled her hair into a ponytail and told me to sit down.

" Are you going to celebrate tonight?" she asked while gently taking off my makeup.

" Maybe I will. I'm tired from working the whole day and my body needs my bed more than some drinks" I told her after a yawn escaped my lips.

Ryan was a dream come true with his lovely manners and delicate pursuit of a relationship with me. It worried me how much he loved to party and how sometimes he drank way more than he should, but maybe it was just a phase. He made me laugh and he had an effect in me. He made me nervous and giddy inside, but was this feeling true? I wasn't sure.

Blake was always there in my mind. We stopped talking a few months ago and I didn't know what happened. I was anxiously waiting for the information I requested to arrive. I needed to know about him to know if there still hope because if there was a chance that I could be with him I was definitely going to take it.

" By the way this arrived earlier for you, but you were on set. David said it was from Mr. Clive" Bethany handed me a closed brown envelope that contained exactly what I was waiting for.

My heart pounded fast and hard against my rib cage as I breathed deeply to calm my anxiety. Bethany spoke to me but it didn't reach my ears. My world immediately froze while holding the envelope in my hand.

" Bye Liv! David is waiting for you outside whenever you're ready" she rushed to say before heading out of the trailer leaving me alone with my fears.

I felt my hands trembling while I opened the envelope and took out the folder containing the information and pictures that came with a request like mine. A private investigator, Mr. Clive, as they called him worked fast on it.

I slowly opened the folder and what I saw inside made tears fall down my cheeks. I wasn't ready for this. I wasn't ready to see the love of my life looking happy with someone else especially when that someone else happened to be my best friend. There were pictures of them holding hands, on their day wedding and another going out of a health care center. I immediately read the report as I felt my heart breaking like glasses during a furious storm.

" The subject of investigation got married six months ago to Miranda Montgomery in Las Vegas, Nebraska. He opened a veterinary and she works in a small doctor office. The subject of investigation, Blake Steele and Miranda Montgomery are expecting a baby girl in three months from now. Below I have detailed other found information about Blake Steele"

I dropped the folder on the floor feeling the heat in my chest were the tears where coming from. I don't know how much time I spent crying, but when I was done I did the only selfish thing I could do for myself at that moment.

I didn't know if it was the right decision or the right moment either, but I had to move on from the past. From Blake.

I dialed his number and when I finally heard his sweet voice in my ear everything was clear like water.

" Ryan, I made up my mind"

And with that I left Colorado in my past for good.

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